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City of Santa Ana <br />Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan <br />July 2012 <br />Non-English Language Relay Service: A telecommunications relay service that allows persons <br />with hearing or speech disabilities who use languages other than English to communicate <br />with voice telephone users in a shared language other than English, through a <br />communications assistant who is fluent in that language. <br />The City's LEP Plan and Title VI Complaint Procedure are available on the City of Santa Ana's website @ <br /> Any person or agency may request a copy of the LEP Plan via telephone, fax, mail, <br />or in person and shall be provided a copy of the Plan at no cost. <br />Questions or comments about the LEP Plan may be submitted to the Equal Opportunity Officer, City of <br />Santa Ana, Personnel Services Department, 20 Civic Center Plaza, M-24, Santa Ana, CA 92701, (714) <br />647-5157, Fax - (714) 647-6930 or <br />17 <br />25B-57