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AGREEMENT NO. C -2 -1640 <br />1 AUTHORITY's obligation in respect thereto shall continue in full force and effect. Changes to any <br />2 portion of this Agreement shall not be binding upon CITY except when specifically confirmed in <br />3 writing by an authorized representative of CITY by way of a written amendment to this Agreement <br />4 and issued in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. <br />s ARTICLE 2. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT <br />6 This Agreement specifies the terms and conditions, roles and responsibilities of the PARTIES <br />7 as they pertain to the subjects and projects addressed herein. Both AUTHORITY and CITY agree <br />s that each will cooperate and coordinate with the other in all activities covered by this Agreement and <br />9 any other supplemental agreements that may be required to facilitate purposes thereof. <br />10 ARTICLE 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUTHORITY <br />11 AUTHORITY agrees to the following responsibilities for PROJECT: <br />12 A. AUTHORITY shall formally request on behalf of the CITY that the Southern California <br />13 Association of Governments (SCAG) amend the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) <br />14 to provide up to One Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($164,250) in FTA <br />15 funding for PROJECT, whereby AUTHORITY's performance under this Agreement is contingent upon <br />16 SCAG, Caltrans and FHWA approval. <br />17 B. AUTHORITY, in accordance with Exhibit A and upon request for reimbursement not <br />is more frequently than quarterly in arrears, shall reimburse CITY for 75% of FTA eligible PROJECT <br />19 expenditures in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars <br />20 ($164,250). <br />21 C. AUTHORITY shall not be obligated to program any amount beyond what has been <br />22 identified in this Article. <br />23 D. AUTHORITY shall process any required FTIP amendments. <br />24 E. AUTHORITY shall monitor CITY's compliance with the requirements of FTA's <br />25 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as per Exhibit F titled "Required Federal Clauses," which is <br />26 herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />L: Camm %CLER I CALK LERICAL \WOR DPROCV+G R EE W <br />25B -6 <br />