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--?------?L;1,1?n?li;N"1'S O1? '1'12AININC --`-- IIOUI2S OI' <br /> '1'KAININC <br />Objective 3c Will be ir:rincd cl"I'eclivcly in shiplrin}? arrcl rcccivinp{ noel };cncr:rl <br />w:u•chousc duties which will incluclc asscnlhly• 7l) <br />1. Assumblycll'pr[)(luct i. c. C[)nlrOI-/?-l?lc)w and railx <br />?. I<n(rivlCal L,C .117(1 slc Ills 117 IIILCI'sl :IlC i.InCl I11lfasl ale tilll l)I7II1 L, aI1Cl IY.1Caca?,ing IOr s:11US, 1301. <br />171"C IY.I l"a l i o n. <br />?. I':lelc flglll lu' CEO 1711-OI-/?-1'IOW hasCCl O11 sillC:S [)1'CI CI'ti <br />4. Packaging Saicur[I and cllhur products lilt salua. <br />?. Inventory training: Nlonitoring inventory, h'acl<ing stool: in quick b[xllcs, mainfnininle, <br />a C1Cq U:1 Lc s(UCIC nl tiLlpph CS, UIYI CI'lllg l;nlnpU]lent parts <br />M caxurcnuv u: Mclburl: (2 L n lllsl: ubscrvutiou :111[1 iuspcc [i<),). coal is to achicwc talc nl' prolicicucy <br />aYll11111 \111)5C(I II CIIr 111 l'l'C :I ltd 11 11:111 111(111Ib B. <br />Objoctlvo a Will be trained ell"ecl:ivcly in "producC" sales, n,;u-Icetinp; :Ind s:rlcs <br />1'orcc:?stinl;, in 1lcatinl; VcntilaCion, and Air C'oncliliunin?; Industry <br />1. "Il-ainucl in L,I?IiD Gruen 13uilcling Syslunl :IS it relates lc) IIVAC' in(luslry <br />2. Pru(II,IC[ knowledge ITnining, spceilicaliun sheet, <I:IIa sheets, static pressure. test, <br />3. 'Train on industry slundar<Is -_ :Intl dil7ilser n7arl<cl and competitors I 1 O <br />4-. "1'ruining in H?chsilc duvclopnlc:nl, oxpansiun, nlainWnancc :.Intl responses <br />5. Assist in lhu revision ol'our unnpany wcbsilc. <br />G. 'Training in sales presentations and responses li>r products in the 1IVAC industry. <br />7. In depth training in the use of"social media such as I?acc hook, '1"wittor, Youluhu :Intl <br />Plnt'CI"CSL to l' III C:fC:ISCCI lllal'Ic etln?* ilnd 17rUd UCt Vltilhll ll y. <br />8. In depth training in use ol'u)cinl media as a souruc ol-research and nun-Iceting (Iota. <br />I?9 rlsurcmenl Method: (2 tic n task ubscrv:llion and innpccliou, coal is fo achieve rate ul' 1)rullc icncy <br />wit Ilia subsequent Ilu-ec and 11 11:111'nlonlils. <br />RA"1'INC: L,I,VII:LS: <br />NTC:I?UI'CI11C Ill n)clhu[I: how will i( hu (Iclcrmineal if0.l'1' pa rlici?a nl acquirc(1 Ihu skillY L) lc A, ohsrrvation, tn-[)<lucl rovicw/inapc[a i(In, ?lu. <br />1'12O1?ICILiN"I' MODt=.RA'I'Ii MARC;INAL, <br />11. COS"1' COMPU"1'A'1'ION <br />I?xamplc: 1 burly Ruimhurscnx?nl X 10.00 I lours 384 u)sl I'cr "I'raincu <br />?; __. _3,840 <br />111. 1'c son(s)•autho,•iccd to sign paynlcnt invoices for E;MPL,C)Y1i;12: _ <br />.Ian Nc)rfhcuft ?/ President <br />?.? ?" c?? hcczC? 1 ?? -lY- i y <br />Prmt Nanlu S??iaLurc "I'itlu l? rte <br />---____ <br />1'rnll Nanle SI?;n;Ilurc '1'iLlu Ihltu <br />3