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LXHIBI i5 1 Y <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />(APN.398-384-01 Temporary Construction Easement) <br />PARCEL. "B" <br />A strip of land; 10.00 feet in width, over those portions of Lots 8 and 9 of Block A, <br />Bartlett's Addition to the Town of Santa Ana, in the City of Santa Ana, County of <br />Orange, State of California; per male filed in Book 11, PAge 45 of M scellarteous Records <br />of Los Angeles County, California, the westerly line of said 10.00 foot strip is described <br />as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of Fourth Street with the survey line of <br />Grand Avenue. (formerly Bartlett Avenue), as said sunvey line is shown on Record of <br />Survey 2009-1093, filed in Book 236. Pages 17 through 20, inclusive, of Records of <br />Survey, in the Office of the Grange County Recorder, said centerline of Fourth Street <br />having a bearing of "A' 89'4220 " V. thence along said centerline South. 89`42'20" <br />East, 94.95 feet; thence perpendicular to said centerline South 00'17'40" East, 40.00 feet <br />to tine northerly line of said Block "A" and the True Pnint of Beginning, i:hence South. <br />4Y58'36" West. 36.18 feet more or less to a point that is 66.16 feet southerly of the <br />centerline of said Fourth Street and 70.29 feet easterly of said survey line; thence; South <br />1;12'12'50" West 46.69 feet to the beginning of a curve concave easterly; having a radius <br />of 6,934.00 feet; thence southerly along said curve 51.76 feet through a central angle of <br />0025'40" to the south line of said Lot y. <br />The easterly and westerly lines of said strip of land to be lengthened or shortened so as to <br />terminate northerly at the northerly line of said Lot 8 and southerly at the southerly line <br />of said Lot 9. <br />Containing 1.354 square feet; more or less. <br />All as shoievn on Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part he, reof <br />Subject to all Covenants, Conditions, <br />Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and <br />Easements of record, if zany. <br />Prepared by me or under nay direction on November 28; 2011. <br />t t v_., r <br />wr ebourn, PLS 8395 <br />Page l of 1. <br />StS}iACt>wD`,?Gtt}142_5:int?An::Sun.c?•in?fi.\•1?p?in??Atl?3_Grand Avnu.?: Widtrfi?t?+t.G?aC D?s4anrti?j?t'.?,t'N ;?tf5-?fiA-F? 1 'r(°L.dc+