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The City of Santa Ana has also been approved for training funds under the FYi2 UASI <br />Grant Program. The Anaheim/Santa Ana UASI recognizes the importance of training and <br />will continue to provide funding for regional training. The FYo9 UASI Grant Program <br />served as the transition to a more centralized approach to training where a focused core <br />curriculum of courses was established for first responders in the urban area. This regional <br />concept is being utilized under the FY1o and FY1i UASI Regional Training Program and will <br />continue with FY12 UASI Regional Training Program. Leaders from each jurisdiction are <br />collaborating on the planning and establishment of core training for their respective <br />disciplines to ensure the needs of the region are met at every level. <br />In addition, the City of Santa Ana will receive funds for Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) <br />Training. The Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center (OCIAC) TLO Program <br />provides Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced TLO Courses. The program is looking to <br />increase its number of participating TLOs with the funds allocated under the FY12 UASI <br />Grant Program. <br />The information below is being provided as an estimated value of the training that will be <br />delivered to the first responders in your agency. It is being provided for your City's <br />respective internal budgetary needs only and does not reflect a direct allocation as in the <br />past. <br />Regional Training Program TLO Training Program <br />Police Department: $39,867 Police Department: $29,017 <br />As part of the Anaheim/Santa Ana UASI Grant Office, the City of Santa Ana will receive <br />$334,133 for planning and personnel costs for UASI grant staff to include salaries, <br />conferences, and meetings. In addition, the City will receive $92,443 for management and <br />administration costs. Allowable expenses include UASI grant staff salaries, travel <br />meetings, and authorized office equipment and supplies. <br />It is critical that all City of Santa Ana employees that are involved in the FY12 UASI Grant <br />Program become familiar with the Transfer Agreement between the City of Santa Ana and <br />the City of Anaheim regarding the FY12 UASI Grant Program as well as the FY12 Homeland <br />Security Grant Program Guidance, the FY12 Homeland Security Grant Program California <br />Supplement Guidance, and the FY12 Anaheim/Santa Ana UASI Sub-Recipient Grant Guide. <br />It is imperative that the Anaheim UASI Office is contacted before any projects are <br />procured to ensure that Environmental Historic Preservations (EHP) requirements have <br />been met, as well as financial regulations pertaining to sole source. We will seek any <br />applicable requests and approvals on your behalf to the State. <br />As outlined in the FY12 Sub-Recipient Grant Guidance, reimbursement requests and <br />progress reports are to be submitted to the UASI Grant Office on a quarterly basis. The <br />Quarterly Project Status Report will allow the grant office to work closely with the County <br />and its designated UASI representatives, ensuring your project is completely successful. <br />Final Training Reimbursement Requests are due no later than December 31, 2Q13 and Final <br />Equipment/Salary Reimbursement Requests are due no later than March 31, 204• <br />20A-48