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NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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City Clerk
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business license and pays the business license tax owing in arrears; otherwise penalties <br />shall accrue as in the case of any other business. <br />(f) In all cases where the provisions of this section provide for the abatement of <br />penalties imposed under subsection (a), the amount owing in arrears and the amount of <br />the accrued penalties shall be abated until the combined amount of tax and penalty due is <br />equalized to an amount equivalent to the amount of current and prior years' taxes owing <br />as computed or determined based upon the business license tax rates in effect for the <br />most current tax year. <br />(g) In determining the amount of penalty due for any person for whom an initial <br />license period gross receipts in lieu deposit is required in accordance with sections 21- <br />117, 21-118 or 21-118.1 the collector shall compute and apply the penalty due at the time <br />that such person's initial period gross receipts report is filed and computed in accordance <br />with section 21-117(c). <br />(h) However, no abatement of penalties or interest shall be permitted under this <br />section in any case where such person concurrently holds or has previously held a city <br />business license or previously been given notice of said requirement with regard to any <br />business activity engaged in or conducted within the city. <br />(i) When any person is determined to be liable for delinquent business license <br />taxes and such person fails to properly procure the correct business license after being <br />given notice to do so, the collector shall determine the amount of delinquent business <br />license taxes owed in accordance with section 21-41. Penalties thereon shall be accrued <br />as applicable in accordance with this section. In determining the amount of tax due for <br />any business for whom the gross receipts of such business is made the basis for fixing <br />the amount of such business license the collector may base such determination upon an <br />average of the reported gross receipts of like businesses, similarly classified. <br />Q) Any person required to obtain a city business license under the terms of this <br />chapter having been given notice of the requirement to obtain a city business license <br />under the terms of this section, whether by personal service, or by a notice conspicuously <br />posted upon the premises of such person's business, or by notice given through the <br />United States mail, who has not paid said business license tax or otherwise obtained a <br />valid business license, or applied for exemption therefrom and who has not applied for, or <br />who is not undergoing the process of a hearing or appeal pursuant to section 21-41 or <br />Chapter 3 of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor violation. For the <br />misdemeanor violation provision of this section to apply, notice, when given by United <br />States mail shall be mailed to the responsible person by certified mail, postage prepaid <br />with a requested return receipt. Simultaneously, the notice may be sent by first class <br />mail. If the notice is sent by certified mail and the return receipt is returned unsigned or <br />refused, then service of notice shall be deemed effective pursuant to first class mail, <br />provided the notice sent by first class mail is not returned. <br />Ordinance No. NS-2841 <br />Page 13 of 29
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