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NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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2013 (NS-2841 - NS-2856)
NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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9/30/2013 12:35:48 PM
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2/20/2013 11:37:45 AM
City Clerk
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imposed, or deposit, or charge, or service fee demanded. <br />Sec. 21-49. Business licensing - Specified exclusions. <br />Except as may be otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the terms hereof <br />shall not be deemed to apply or construed to require the payment of a license tax by any <br />of the following persons: <br />(1) Any public utility making franchise payments to the city, except to the extent <br />said public utility engages in retail sales or services within the city not <br />covered or otherwise authorized by such franchise, <br />(2) Banks, including national banking associations, federal credit unions, and <br />financial corporations, to the extent that a city may not levy a license tax <br />upon them under the provisions of Article XIII, Section 27 of the State <br />Constitution. <br />(3) Insurance companies or associations engaged in the sale and servicing of <br />insurance and their direct agents, including bailbond agents and life agents, <br />but not including brokers or bailbond brokers or life and disability insurance <br />analysts or insurance solicitors to the extent that a city may not levy a <br />license tax upon them under the provisions of Article XIII, Section 28 of the <br />State Constitution. <br />(4) Any governmental agency or subdivision and the employees thereof, to the <br />extent they are engaged in the business of such governmental agencies or <br />subdivisions. <br />(5) Any state alcoholic beverage licensee engaged in the manufacture, sale, <br />purchase, possession, or transportation of alcoholic beverages within the <br />state to the extent that a city may not levy a license tax upon them under <br />provisions of Article XX, Section 22 of the State Constitution. <br />Sec. 21-60. Application; auto registration - service fee. <br />Before any license is issued, the applicant shall make a written application to the <br />collector, which shall contain the following information: <br />(1) The exact nature or kind of business, profession, show, exhibition, game, <br />occupation or enterprise for which the license is requested; <br />(2) The place where such business, profession, show, exhibition, or enterprise <br />is to be carried on; and if the same is not to be carried on at any permanent <br />place of business, the residence address, identified as such, of the owners <br />of the same; <br />Ordinance No. NS-2841 <br />Page 18 of 29
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