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NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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2013 (NS-2841 - NS-2856)
NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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9/30/2013 12:35:48 PM
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2/20/2013 11:37:45 AM
City Clerk
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information which the collector may deem necessary to properly identify the <br />applicant. <br />(12) A signed statement made under penalty of perjury that the statements <br />therein are true and correct, which statement shall be required to be filed <br />with the collector upon submission of any original license application, annual <br />renewal statement, miscellaneous supplementary statement, or other return <br />or filing. Each such declaration of truth of application or statement shall <br />have included therein, or attached thereto, a certification or declaration, <br />which shall be substantially in the following form: <br />I declare, under penalty of perjury; that this application, return or statement <br />(including any accompanying schedules, statements, and supporting data) <br />has been examined by me, and, to the best of my knowledge, information, <br />and belief, is a full true and correct application, return, or statement and I <br />accordingly so represent. <br />(Signature of Owner, or Partner, or (Date) <br />Officer of Corporation, or Other <br />Authorized Agent or Representative of <br />an of the above said same <br />(13) In the case of applications submitted via email, the collector in his or her <br />discretion may accept a facsimile copy of the applicant's signature; <br />(14) In the case of applications submitted via other electronic means, the collector in <br />his or her discretion may accept a digital signature or other unique personal identification <br />number (PIN) verification. <br />All information specified to be set forth on any application form prescribed by the <br />collector shall be submitted completely and accurately and the license shall be deemed <br />based upon the information submitted and represented. The collector shall not be <br />required to receive or consider, any application, return or statement unless the above <br />quoted declaration, in substantially the form hereinabove set forth, is contained therein or <br />attached thereto and properly executed by the applicant or the authorized agent or <br />representative of the applicant, and it is unlawful and shall be deemed a misdemeanor in <br />any such application, return or statement for such applicant or authorized agent or <br />representative of the applicant to make any statement which is false or which is contrary <br />to the declaration or representation made in the above quoted form. <br />Any license shall be deemed based upon the application on file, and if the <br />information is incomplete or inaccurate, the license shall be deemed invalid. If information <br />submitted in an application subsequently becomes incomplete or inaccurate by reason of <br />a change in circumstances, the license shall thereafter be deemed invalid. Upon the <br />collector's learning of any inaccuracy or incompleteness, notice shall be given forthwith to <br />the licensee, at the address shown on the license where the licensee consented to <br />Ordinance No. NS-2841 <br />Page 20 of 29
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