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NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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2013 (NS-2841 - NS-2856)
NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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machines or devices at each proposed or existing location. <br />Sec. 21-115. Same - Keeping of records; applicability of audit. <br />Section 21-80 shall apply to all statements provided to be filed under section 21-114; <br />provided however, that the inspection of books and records shall be limited specifically to <br />books and records reflecting the employees and other persons engaged in the business <br />activity. <br />Sec. 21-122. Nonpayment of tax; assessment by lien; recording and enforcement of liens; <br />recording service fee. <br />(a) Recording of a certificate of lien. If any amount, including penalties, interest, <br />and administrative charges required to be paid under this chapter is not paid when due, <br />the collector or any duly authorized revenue officer acting as his or her designated agent, <br />may record or cause to be recorded, in the office of the county recorder(s) of such <br />counties as the collector may determine, a certificate which specifies the amount due, the <br />name and address of the person liable for the same, a statement that the collector has <br />complied with all provisions of this chapter in the determination of the amount required to <br />be paid, and a legal description of the real property owned by such person. From the <br />time of the recording of the certificate, the amount required to be paid together with <br />penalties, interest, and administrative charges owing constitutes a lien upon all real <br />property in the county owned by such person or thereafter acquired before the lien <br />expires. The lien shall have the force, effect and priority of a tax lien and shall continue <br />for ten (10) years from the filing of a certificate unless sooner released or otherwise <br />discharged. <br />(b) Recording service fee. Whenever the collector in his or her discretion <br />determines that the recording of a certificate of lien is desirable to secure and effectuate <br />the collection of any amount required to be paid under the terms of this chapter, then a <br />recording service fee shall be applicable in the amount as specified by resolution of the <br />city council. <br />Sec. 21-123. Reserved. <br />Sec. 21-124. Reserved. <br />Sec. 21-125. Reserved. <br />SECTION 6: That sections numbered 21-80.1, 21-83.1, 21-93.1, 21-118.1, 21- <br />119.1, 21-119.2, 21-119.3, and 21-120h shall hereby be added to Chapter 21 of the <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code and shall read as follows: <br />Sec. 21-80.1. Same -Audit deficiency; application of penalty and interest; <br />Voluntary compliance; effect - Abatement of penalty and interest; <br />Ordinance No. NS-2841 <br />Page 23 of 29
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