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NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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9/30/2013 12:35:48 PM
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City Clerk
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(b) The execution of any agreement to satisfy delinquent business license taxes by <br />means of installment payments and/or deferral shall not prevent the accrual of penalties and <br />interest as applicable on the unpaid balance as provided under the terms of this chapter. <br />However, such additional penalties as may accrue and the interest on such penalties shall <br />not be applied after the execution of such agreement and the payment of the first installment <br />and during such time as such person shall not be in breach of the agreement. Upon the <br />timely payment of the final installment of the agreement such additional penalties and the <br />interest thereon as may have accrued shall be waived. In any agreement so entered into, <br />such person shall acknowledge the obligation owed the city and agree that, in the event of <br />failure to make timely payment of any installment, the whole amount unpaid, principal <br />together with accrued penalties and interest thereon, shall become immediately due and <br />payable. In the event such person fails within a period of thirty (30) days thereafter to render <br />payment in full, such person's current business license may be revoked by the collector. In <br />the event legal action is brought by the city to enforce collection of any amount included in <br />the agreement, such person shall pay all costs of suit incurred by the city or its assignee, <br />including attorney fees. The execution of such an agreement shall render any subsequent <br />appeal null and void and shall constitute a waiver against future action. <br />Sec. 21-93.1. Enforcement; inspection/collection service fee - application. <br />(a) Whenever any person charged with the duty of enforcing this chapter shall have <br />cause to re-examine, re-inspect, re-investigate, or re-visit a place of business for <br />purposes of enforcing any portion of the business license tax code or to collect any sum <br />owed pursuant to this chapter, a separate inspection/ collection service fee shall be <br />applicable in the amount as specified by resolution of the city council. <br />(b) In the case of a re-examination, re-inspection, re-investigation, or re-visitation of <br />any local place of business pursuant to a violation of this chapter or noncompliance with <br />the business license tax code, a reasonable period of time shall be given to the <br />responsible party to correct the violation or to come into satisfactory compliance with the <br />requirements of this chapter. If the violation or noncompliance necessitating the re- <br />examination, re-inspection, re-investigation, or re-visitation of any local place of business <br />is remedied prior to the expiration of the correction period no inspection/collection service <br />fee shall be imposed. <br />(c) Whenever the collection of the unpaid balance of any business license tax or <br />other amount subject to the enforcement and collection requirements of this chapter is <br />sought by transfer to a collection agency, or any other method of assignment not <br />inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, a transfer service fee in the amount as <br />specified by resolution of the city council shall also apply. <br />(d) The collector and his or her authorized agents charged with the duty of enforcing <br />this chapter, may waive the application of the inspection/collection service fee or any <br />other service fee elsewhere established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, in <br />connection with any satisfactory agreement entered into in accordance with section 21- <br />Ordinance No. NS-2841 <br />Page 25 of 29
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