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NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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2013 (NS-2841 - NS-2856)
NS-2841 - Establishing a Business License Tax Penalty Abatement Procedure...
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9/30/2013 12:35:48 PM
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2/20/2013 11:37:45 AM
City Clerk
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(a) In the event an existing licensee elects to convert their annual license <br />assessment to an alternate tax assessment basis with an annual term beginning <br />one or more calendar quarters before the commencement of their pre-existing tax <br />assessment basis and ending one or more calendar quarters after the conclusion <br />of their pre-existing tax assessment basis, then their initial alternate tax <br />assessment shall be subject to a quarterly proration to account for the reduced <br />number of calendar quarters remaining in the term of the newly elected tax <br />assessment. <br />(b) In the event an existing licensee elects to convert their annual license <br />assessment to an alternate tax assessment basis with an annual term beginning <br />one or more calendar quarters after the commencement of their pre-existing tax <br />assessment basis and ending one or more calendar quarters after the conclusion <br />of their pre-existing tax assessment basis, then their pre-existing tax assessment <br />shall be retroactively increased prorata by the number of quarters necessary to <br />account for the quarterly periods remaining between the conclusion of their pre- <br />existing licensing term and the commencement of their alternate tax <br />assessment licensing term. <br />Sec. 21-120h. Home-based businesses, home occupations. <br />HOME-BASED BUSINESS/HOME OCCUPATION .......................................... $165.00 A <br />SECTION 7: The elective alternate flat rate home-based business/home occupation <br />business license tax fee adopted pursuant to Section (6) of this ordinance shall be <br />applicable to any person in arrears for business license taxes related to a home-base <br />business or occupation in the city effective January 1, 2010. The prior payment of <br />business license taxes due for home-based businesses or occupations, by any other <br />person not in arrears for said taxes shall not be deemed to constitute grounds for a <br />request for a refund pursuant section 21-87(c). <br />SECTION 8: That sections 21-3, 21-12, 21-16, 21-41, 21-43, 21-44, 21-49, 21-60, <br />21-64, 21-80.1, 21-83.1, 21-93.1, 21-100, 21-115, 21-118.1, 21-119.1, 21-119.2, 21- <br />119.3, 21-120h, 21-122, shall come into full force and effect on the first day of the <br />calendar month following the effective date of this ordinance. To efficiently execute the <br />intent of this ordinance with respect to sections 21-25, 21-83, and 21-85, the collector shall <br />have the authority, in his or her discretion, to vary the strict time table and/or method of <br />implementation of these sections beginning between the first day of the calendar month <br />following the effective date of this ordinance and up to and including June 30, 2013. <br />Notwithstanding this authority, sections 21-25, 21-83, and 21-85, shall come into full force <br />and effect not later than July 1, 2013. <br />SECTION 9: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this <br />ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any <br />court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining <br />Ordinance No. NS-2841 <br />Page 27 of 29
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