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CDFG, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). He has worked on projects throughout <br />the western United States and has strong relationships with a broad array of state and federal <br />regulators. For this contract, Mr. McEntee will provide biology and permitting support as -needed. <br />Linette Lina Die: Biology) <br />Ms. Lina has 11 years of environmental experience in California, including managing environmental <br />compliance projects, conducting wildlife surveys, and conducting habitat restoration projects and <br />biological monitoring. She has conducted reconnaissance -level and focused biological surveys, including <br />nesting bird surveys, bird banding, small mammal trapping, fish seining, aquatic macroinvertebrate <br />surveying, and herpetological arrays. She has also conducted focused surveys for sensitive species such <br />as least Bell's vireo, California gnatcatcher, southwestern willow flycatcher, burrowing owl, California <br />spotted owl, desert tortoise, and Santa Ana sucker. Ms. Lina has solid experience in supporting <br />environmental compliance for linear projects such as power transmission and railroad project and fiber- <br />optic cable and water line installation. She also has experience working for the County of Orange in <br />coordinating regulatory agencies and local government agencies to address watershed issues in <br />southern California. <br />She has the experience and formal education to plan and evaluate complex and controversial <br />environmental issues, determine data needs, and propose and plan management actions based upon <br />data analysis, in addition to supervising field crews throughout Southern California. She has a successful <br />track record of implementing projects through a team -oriented approach and the coordination of multi - <br />agency protocols to get projects done on time and within budget. <br />Wayne Bischoff, PhD (Role: Cultural) <br />Dr. Bischoff has over 19 years of experience meeting legal and agency guidelines for Section 106 and <br />110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the National Environmental Protection Act <br />(NEPA), including writing, planning, and enforcement of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), <br />Programmatic Agreements (PA), Environmental Assessments (EA), Categorical Exclusions (CATEX), and <br />Memorandum of Agreements (MOA). He has experience with the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA); the Native American Graves Protection Act (NAGPRA); management, treatment, and mitigation <br />plans; National Register nominations; HABS/HAER forms; National Landmark forms; and state legislation <br />drafting. He has been the Principal on many Orange County projects including the Freedom <br />Telecommunications project in Irvine. He has completed over 200 cultural resource projects in nine <br />states, including historic, industrial, and eastern and western Native American sites; historic structure <br />evaluations; maritime, energy, and transmission line projects; highways and bridges; geographic and <br />engineering mapping (CAD and ArcGIS); geophysics (GPR, Magnetometer, Resistivity); and management <br />of large monitoring projects. <br />Charles Cisneros, ole: Cultural) <br />Mr. Cisneros is a registered professional archaeologist with more than 9 years of archaeological <br />assessment and field experience in southern California and Nevada. He is responsible for directing <br />numerous field projects in support of compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and Sections 106 and 110 of the National <br />Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Mr. Cisneros participates in a wide range of projects involving <br />archaeological survey, testing, data recovery, monitoring, and laboratory analysis. His skills include <br />research and data management, as well as maintaining and organizing digital and print publications. His <br />training and background meet the U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards <br />CAfES <br />to <br />