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City of Santa Ana <br />Updated Proposal for the 301 East Jeanette Lane <br />tiau?•?r?=._ 1?? Residential Project Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />0. GREENHOUSE-GAS/GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE <br />RBF's in-house global climate change experts are at the forefront in developing sound scientific assessments and <br />strategies within the rapidly changing regulatory environment, As a result of our experience, RBF has developed <br />proprietary models forquantifying and analyzing greenhouse gases from a variety of direct and Indirect sources including <br />construction and vehicular traffic, The scope of work is as follows: <br />Emissions inventory, RBF will prepare an inventory of the greenhouse emissions (GHG) from both direct and indirect <br />sources. The emissions inventory will be quantlfed with the CalEEMod model. The analysis will determine the project's <br />impact by determining if it is consistent with the Assembly Bill 32 mandate of reducing GHG's beyond "Business as Usual" <br />conditions. The GHG reduction associated with the project's design features will be quantified utilizing the California Air <br />Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) methodology (Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures - A <br />Resource forLocal Government to Assess Emission Reductions from Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures [September <br />2010]), <br />indirect impacts. In response to Executive Order S-13-08 (2009 California Adaptation Strategy), RBF will identify and <br />analyze the indirect impacts to the project from anticipated climate change. Such impacts include rising sea levels, public <br />health threat caused by higher temperatures and more smog, damage to agriculture, habitat modification and destruction, <br />higher risk of fires, and increased demand of electricity. <br />Based on the GHG modeling and analysis described above, the Initial Study will include a detailed analysis of impacts in <br />accordance with the CEQA Guidelines, The Initial Study will include an analysis of project-related GHG emissions, indirect <br />impacts, and energy consumption. Mitigation measures to reduce impacts will be included in the Initial Study, if required. <br />H. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS <br />The review will address short-term and long-term hazardous material conditions that may be resulting from prior uses on- <br />site. The analysis will be based upon references provided by the City and/or Project Applicant. If no hazardous conditions <br />have been identified, this section will conclude no resulting impacts. <br />HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY <br />Based upon available information from the City and project applicant, RBF will prepare the analysis addressing the <br />hydrology and water quality impacts associated with the proposed residential development to address the following topical <br />questions, which are similar to Appendix G (VIII) of the CEQA Guidelines: <br />• Alterations of existing drainage patterns of the site orarea, in a mannerwhich would resultin substantial flooding <br />erosion or siltation on- or off-site; <br />• Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage <br />systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff; <br />• Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows; and <br />• Expose people or structures to a significant risk, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam. <br />The section will address changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, storm drain improvement, and downstream affects. <br />RBF will also evaluate water quality conditions and identify water quality (NPDES) techniques/structures in accordance <br />with local, State and Federal requirements, The potential for the project description to degrade water quality, interfere with <br />groundwater recharge or expose people to water related hazards will be identified. This task specifically excludes any new <br />modeling for hydrology or water quality. <br />JN 132203 0 5 0 February 25, 2013 <br />25C-16