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1~. ~A~ C~~~CJ~C~~.~~~~ ~' ~'A,~~~'~~X~~~'Y: The Santa Ana ~~ <br />tenter shall provide mall inane lzt~n the names of eur~ent partic~patin partners. <br />he~•e practical, tl~e Santa Any ~I tenter mill list partne~• aencxe on forms and <br />~r~~.rk~t~n n~terlal d~trluted to the p~blie. <br />~4. A~~~~' .~S~ AND '~~.'~Z~,A'~~N: The parties agree to <br />abide ~~ all appllcal~le nan~d~sc~izn~~nat~on federal a~~d state lave, r~'lae SIB and the ~ne- <br />Stap partnex• ~uilX ensure tlxat pollees and procedn~~e etblisl~e~ ~ the I~ and the <br />~~ae~Stop partners are In co~~apl~ance ~r~th the ~.n~erleans v~ith ~sa~ilities Aet ~A.A}. <br />'t'he Santa Ana ~I en.ter ~Il assure xt se~~~xee and pre~~nlses are ae~es~hle to <br />persons v~~th disab~l~tles wader the ~e~uiren~ent of the ~Arne~~ian ~tl~ Dlah~l~t1e ~et~ <br />~ . ~SC~~AN'~: The C~neW Stop pa~•tne~•s agree tl~t their current in farce insurance ox self <br />insurance ea~erage pro~ranas shall apply to their operations per~`or~~ed under the <br />orl~fo~•ee Zn~vet~~ent .Act and at the ~~ tenter, xneluding ea.naercial ene~~l <br />llablllt~, prapert~ danaae lia~illty, business pcrsanal prapert~, ~uorl~er' ca~r~pensat~an <br />and e~plo~ee d~sl~anest~lcr~nae coverages. The qty of Santa .Ana shall be named as <br />additional insured for suer insurance and the eove~•ae shall be pz~~rnaa and nanw <br />eontr~butor~ v~lth regard to the Its. <br />~. ~~'~~~~'~' .A~I~] ~~~"~~5; '7~he indi~~duals signing this NIA] and its <br />attaela~aae~ats, hleh are ineozpa~'ated l~ere~n b~ reference, have the author~t to eananalt the <br />pad they ~iepresent to the te~~x~~ oftlazs C~, and do sa eonanait b~ ~gn~ug~ <br />S <br />