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CONTINUATION DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS /Use only If more --1c --l—ii <br />The City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701; its officers, employees, agents, volunteers and <br />representatives are named as Additional Insureds with regard to liability and defense of suits arising from the operations and <br />uses performed by or on behalf of the Named Insured, as required by written contract. With respect to claims arising out of the <br />operations and uses performed by or on behalf of the Named Insured, such insurance as is afforded by this policy is primary and <br />is not additional to or contributing with any other insurance carried by or for the benefit of the Additional Insureds, as <br />required by written contract. This insurance applies separately to each Insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought <br />except with respect to the company's limits of liability. The inclusion of any person or organization as an Insured shall not <br />affect any right which such person or organization would have as a claimant if not so included.Additional Insured Endorsement <br />Attached. <br />``v �����I Certificate Holder ID: 12000961 <br />