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RFPO1-LGSP3_2 12 13 69731 2013-2013 Local Govt (2).docx FORM No. 2114T <br />4. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA <br />Bidder proposal evaluations will consist of two (2) parts: Threshold and Weighted. <br />• Part 1 Threshold: SCE will first evaluate the responsiveness criteria on a pass/fail <br />basis. Proposals not including all items listed in Section 3 (Bidder's Proposal <br />Format), Table 3-1 (Proposal Checklist), or any substitution of and/or, reference to a <br />Bidder's own general terms and conditions in lieu of SCE's Ts&Cs will render the <br />Bidders proposal to be considered "non-responsive" and subject to a disqualification <br />or failing score. <br />• Part 2 Weighted: Proposals that receive a passing score on the Threshold evaluation <br />will be further scored according to the criteria and weights listed in Table 4-1 <br />(Weighted Scoring) below, and summarized in Table 4-2 (Scoring Criteria <br />Summary). <br />TABLE 4-1: WEIGHTED SCORING <br />A. Scope of Work to be Performed - 25% Section 3, Item B <br />SCE will evaluate Bidder's approach to the Work and Bidder will receive a higher score if the <br />approach is reasonable and documented to achieve the results required. Bidder must provide specific <br />detailed outcomes and SCE will evaluate the feasibility of achieving those outcomes. <br />Score range: A through F (+/-) <br />B. Responding to Task Criteria - 35% (Section 3, Item C) <br />SCE will evaluate Bidder based upon comprehensiveness and relevancy of response to each Task. <br />Score range: A through F (+/-) <br />C. Lon Term Sustainabili-15% (Section 3, Item D) <br />SCE will evaluate Bidder based upon the degree to which the proposed Work will result in long-term <br />sustainable change, addresses the CEESP, and is comprehensive, innovative, and integrated. <br />Score range: A through F (+/-) <br />D. Total Work Cost -15% Section 3, Item E <br />SCE will evaluate the Bidder's total proposed Work cost where applicable, and Bidder will receive a <br />higher score if the rates (or total proposed Work cost) show reasonableness in relation to the <br />corresponding Task(s). <br />Score range: A through F (+/-) <br />E. Past Performance and Prior Funding -10% <br />SCE will consider any prior Strategic Plan task funding the Bidder may have received and their <br />performance on past Strategic Plan tasks. Bidder will receive a higher score when past performance <br />shows reasonable progress towards task completion.. <br />Score range: A through F (+/-) <br />4. Proposal Evaluation Criteria 19E-20 Page 18