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2, The term "financial or other interest" includes but is not limited to: <br />a. Any direct or indirect financial interest in the specific <br />contract, including a commission or fee, a share of the <br />proceeds, prospect of a promotion or of future employment, <br />a profit, or any other form of financial reward. <br />b. Any of the following interests in the subcontractor <br />ownership: partnership interest or other beneficial interest of <br />five percent or more; ownership of five percent or more of <br />the stock; employment in a managerial capacity; or <br />membership on the board of directors or governing body. <br />C. The SUB-RECIPIENT further covenants that no officer, director, employee, or <br />agent shall solicit or accept gratuities, favors, anything of monetary value from <br />any actual or potential subcontractor, supplier, a party to a sub agreement, (or <br />persons who are otherwise in a position to benefit from the actions of any <br />officer, employee, or agent). <br />D. The SUB-RECIPIENT shall not subcontract with a former director, officer, or <br />employee within a one year period following the termination of the relationship <br />between said person and the Contractor. <br />E. Prior to obtaining the CITY'S approval of any subcontract, the SUB- <br />RECIPIENT shall disclose to the CITY any relationship, financial or <br />otherwise, direct or indirect, of the SUB-RECIPIENT or any of its officers, <br />directors or employees or their immediate family with the proposed <br />subcontractor and its officers, directors or employees. <br />F. For further clarification of the meaning of any of the terms used herein, the <br />parties agree that references shall be made to the guidelines, rules, and laws <br />of the SUB-RECIPIENT, State of California, and Federal regulations <br />regarding conflict of interest. <br />G. The SUB-RECIPIENT warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or <br />give to any third person any money or other consideration for obtaining this <br />Agreement, <br />H. The SUB-RECIPIENT covenants that no member, officer or employee of <br />SUB-RECIPIENT shall have interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or <br />subcontract or the proceeds thereof for work to be performed in connection <br />with this project during his/her tenure as such employee, member or officer or <br />for one year thereafter. <br />1. The SUB-RECIPIENT shall incorporate the foregoing subsections of this <br />Section into every agreement that it enters into in connection with this project <br />and shall substitute the term "subcontractor" for the term "SUB-RECIPIENT" <br />and "sub subcontractor" for "Subcontractor". <br />12 <br />20A-17