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Note: This chart provides a summary of eligible medical expenses only. Detailed <br />information is provided in IRS Publication 502. Medical expenses are considered only to <br />the extent they are not reimbursed by insurance or some other source. <br />Families That Qualify for Both Medical and Disability Assistance Expenses <br />This policy applies only to families in which the head, spouse, or cohead is 62 or older or is a <br />person with disabilities. <br />When expenses anticipated by a family could be defined as either medical or disability assistance <br />expenses, SARA will consider them medical expenses unless it is clear that the expenses are <br />incurred exclusively to enable a person with disabilities to work. <br />6-II.E. DISABILITY ASSISTANCE EXPENSES DEDUCTION [24 CFR 5.603(b) and <br />24 CFR 5.611(a)(3)(ii)] <br />Reasonable expenses for attendant care and auxiliary apparatus for a disabled family member <br />may be deducted if they: (1) are necessary to enable a family member 18 years or older to work, <br />(2) are not paid to a family member or reimbursed by an outside source, (3) in combination with <br />any medical expenses, exceed three percent of annual income, and (4) do not exceed the earned <br />income received by the family member who is enabled to work. <br />Earned Income Limit on the Disability Assistance Expense Deduction <br />A family can qualify for the disability assistance expense deduction only if at least one family <br />member (who may be the person with disabilities) is enabled to work [24 CFR 5.603 (b)] . <br />The disability expense deduction is capped by the amount of "earned income received by family <br />members who are 18 years of age or older and who are able to work" because of the expense [24 <br />CFR 5.611(a)(3)(ii)]. The earned income used for this purpose is the amount verified before any <br />earned income disallowances or income exclusions are applied. <br />The family must identify the family members enabled to work as a result of the disability <br />assistance expenses. In evaluating the family's request, SARA will consider factors such as how <br />the work schedule of the relevant family members relates to the hours of care provided, the time <br />required for transportation, the relationship of the family members to the person with disabilities, <br />and any special needs of the person with disabilities that might determine which family members <br />are enabled to work. <br />When SARA determines that the disability assistance expenses enable more than one family <br />member to work, the expenses will be capped by the sum of the family members' incomes. <br />Eligible Disability Expenses <br />Examples of auxiliary apparatus are provided in the HCV Guidebook as follows: "Auxiliary <br />apparatus are items such as wheelchairs, ramps, adaptations to vehicles, or special equipment to <br />enable a blind person to read or type, but only if these items are directly related to permitting the <br />disabled person or other family member to work" [HCV GB, p. 5-30]. <br />HUD advises PHAs to further define and describe auxiliary apparatus [VG, p. 30]. <br />Eligible Auxiliary Apparatus <br />2/25/13 Page 6-25 <br />