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Overview <br />SARA must grant an exemption from the minimum rent if a family is unable to pay the <br />minimum rent because of financial hardship. <br />The financial hardship exemption applies only to families required to pay the minimum rent. If a <br />family's TTP is higher than the minimum rent, the family is not eligible for a hardship <br />exemption. If SARA determines that a hardship exists, the family share is the highest of the <br />remaining components of the family's calculated TTP. <br />HUD-Defined Financial Hardship <br />Financial hardship includes the following situations: <br />(1) The family has lost eligibility for or is awaiting an eligibility determination for a federal, <br />state, or local assistance program. This includes a family member who is a noncitizen <br />lawfully admitted for permanent residence under the Immigration and Nationality Act who <br />would be entitled to public benefits but for Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work <br />Opportunity Act of 1996. <br />A hardship will be considered to exist only if the loss of eligibility has an impact on the <br />family's ability to pay the minimum rent. <br />For a family waiting for a determination of eligibility, the hardship period will end as of the <br />first of the month following (1) implementation of assistance, if approved, or (2) the decision <br />to deny assistance. A family whose request for assistance is denied may request a hardship <br />exemption based upon one of the other allowable hardship circumstances. <br />(2) The family would be evicted because it is unable to pay the minimum rent. <br />For a family to qualify under this provision, the cause of the potential eviction must be the <br />family's failure to pay rent to the owner or tenant-paid utilities. <br />(3) Family income has decreased because of changed family circumstances, including the loss of <br />employment. <br />(4) A death has occurred in the family. In order to qualify under this provision, a family must <br />describe how the death has created a financial hardship (e.g., because offuneral-related <br />expenses or the loss of the family member's income}. <br />(5) The family has experienced other circumstances determined by SARA. Currently, SARA <br />has not established any additional hardship criteria. <br />Implementation of Hardship Exemption <br />Determination of Hardship <br />When a family requests a financial hardship exemption, SARA must suspend the minimum rent <br />requirement beginning the first of the month following the family's request. <br />SARA then determines whether the financial hardship exists and whether the hardship is <br />temporary or long-term. <br />SARA defines temporary hardship as a hardship expected to last 9o days or less. Long term <br />hardship is defined as a hardship expected to last more than 9o days. <br />2/25/13 Page 6-31 <br />