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Reasonable Accommodation <br />HCV program regulations require a PHA to approve a utility allowance amount higher than <br />shown on SAHA's schedule if a higher allowance is needed as a reasonable accommodation for <br />a family member with a disability. For example, if a family member with a disability requires <br />such an accommodation, SARA will approve an allowance for air-conditioning, even if SARA <br />has determined that an allowance for air-conditioning generally is not needed. <br />The family must request the higher allowance and provide SARA with an explanation of the <br />need for the reasonable accommodation and information about the amount of additional <br />allowance required [HCV GB, p. 18-8]. <br />Utility Allowance Revisions <br />At reexamination, SARA must use SARA current utility allowance schedule [24 CFR <br />982.517(4)(2)] . Revised utility allowances will be applied to a family's rent and subsidy <br />calculations at the first annual reexamination that is effective after the allowance is adopted. <br />6-III.E. PRORATED ASSISTANCE FOR MIXED FAMILIES [24 CFR 5.520] <br />HUD regulations prohibit assistance to ineligible family members. A mixed family is one that <br />includes at least one U.S. citizen or eligible immigrant and any number of ineligible family <br />members. SARA must prorate the assistance provided to a mixed family. SARA will first <br />determine assistance as if all family members were eligible and then prorate the assistance based <br />upon the percentage of family members that actually are eligible. For example, if SARA subsidy <br />for a family is calculated at $500 and two of four family members are ineligible, SARA subsidy <br />would be reduced to $250. <br />2/25/13 Page 6-35 <br />