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EXHIBIT 6-2: ANNUAL INCOME EXCLUSIONS <br />24 CFR 5.609 <br />(c) Annual income does not include the <br />following: <br />(1) Income from employment of children <br />(including foster children) under the age of 18 <br />years; <br />(2) Payments received for the care of foster <br />children or foster adults (usually persons with <br />disabilities, unrelated to the tenant family, who <br />are unable to live alone); <br />(3) Lump-sum additions to family assets, such <br />as inheritances, insurance payments (including <br />payments under health and accident insurance <br />and worker's compensation), capital gains and <br />settlement for personal or property losses <br />(except as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of this <br />section); <br />(4) Amounts received by the family that are <br />specifically for, or in reimbursement of, the <br />cost of medical expenses for any family <br />member; <br />(5) Income of a live-in aide, as defined in Sec. <br />5.403; <br />(6) Subj ect to paragraph (b) (9) of this <br />sections, the full amount of student financial <br />assistance paid directly to the student or to the <br />educational institution; <br />(7) The special pay to a family member <br />serving in the Armed Forces who is exposed to <br />hostile fire; <br />(8) (i) Amounts received under training <br />programs funded by HUD; <br />(iii) Amounts received by a participant in other <br />publicly assisted programs which are <br />specifically for or inreimbursement ofout-of <br />pocket expenses incurred (special equipment, <br />clothing, transportation, child care, etc.) and <br />which are made solely to allow participation in <br />a specific program; <br />(iv) Amounts received under a resident service <br />stipend. A resident service stipend is a modest <br />amount (not to exceed $200 per month) <br />received by a resident for performing a service <br />for SARA or owner, on a part-time basis, that <br />enhances the quality of life in the <br />development. Such services may include, but <br />are not limited to, fire patrol, hall monitoring, <br />lawn maintenance, resident initiatives <br />coordination, and serving as a member of <br />SAHA's governing board. No resident may <br />receive more than one such stipend during the <br />same period of time; <br />(v) Incremental earnings and benefits resulting <br />to any family member from participation in <br />qualifying State or local employment training <br />programs (including training programs not <br />affiliated with a local government) and <br />training of a family member as resident <br />management staff. Amounts excluded by this <br />provision must be received under employment <br />training programs with clearly defined goals <br />and objectives, and are excluded only for the <br />period during which the family member <br />participates in the employment training <br />program; <br />(ii) Amounts received by a person with a <br />disability that are disregarded for a limited <br />time for purposes of Supplemental Security <br />Income eligibility and benefits because they <br />are set aside for use under a Plan to Attain <br />Self Sufficiency (PASS); <br />(9) Temporary, nonrecurring or sporadic <br />income (including gifts); <br />(10) Reparation payments paid by a foreign <br />government pursuant to claims filed under the <br />laws of that government by persons who were <br />persecuted during the Nazi era; <br />(11) Earnings in excess of $480 for each full- <br />time student 18 years old or older (excluding <br />the head of household and spouse); <br />2/25/13 Page 6-39 <br />