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EXHIBIT 6-4: EARNED INCOME DISALLOWANCE FOR PERSONS WITH <br />DISABILITIES <br />24 CFR 5.617 Self sufficiency incentives for persons with disabilities-Disallowance of <br />increase in annual income. <br />(a) Applicable programs. The disallowance of <br />increase in annual income provided by this <br />section is applicable only to the following <br />programs: HOME Investment Partnerships <br />Program (24 CFR part 92); Housing <br />Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (24 CFR <br />part 574); Supportive Housing Program (24 <br />CFR part 583); and the Housing Choice <br />Voucher Program (24 CFR part 982). <br />(b) Definitions. The following definitions <br />apply for purposes of this section. <br />Disallowance. Exclusion from annual income. <br />Previously unemployed includes a person with <br />disabilities who has earned, in the twelve <br />months previous to employment, no more than <br />would be received for 10 hours of work per <br />week for 50 weeks at the established minimum <br />wage. <br />Qualified family. A family residing in housing <br />assisted under one of the programs listed in <br />paragraph (a) of this section or receiving <br />tenant-based rental assistance under one of the <br />programs listed in paragraph (a) of this <br />section. <br />(1) Whose annual income increases as a result <br />of employment of a family member who is a <br />person with disabilities and who was <br />previously unemployed for one or more years <br />prior to employment; <br />(2) Whose annual income increases as a result <br />of increased earnings by a family member who <br />is a person with disabilities during <br />participation in any economic self sufficiency <br />or other job training program; or <br />(3) Whose annual income increases, as a <br />result of new employment or increased <br />earnings of a family member who is a person <br />with disabilities, during or within six months <br />after receiving assistance, benefits or services <br />under any state program for temporary <br />assistance for needy families funded under <br />Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act, <br />as determined by the responsible entity in <br />consultation with the local agencies <br />administering temporary assistance for needy <br />families (TANF) and Welfare-to-Work <br />(WTW) programs. The TANF program is not <br />limited to monthly income maintenance, but <br />also includes such benefits and services as <br />one-time payments, wage subsidies and <br />transportation assistance--provided that the <br />total amount over asix-month period is at least <br />$500. <br />(c) Disallowance of increase in annual <br />income- <br />(1) Initial twelve month exclusion. During the <br />cumulative twelve month period beginning on <br />the date a member who is a person with <br />disabilities of a qualified family is first <br />employed or the family first experiences an <br />increase in annual income attributable to <br />employment, the responsible entity must <br />exclude from annual income (as defined in the <br />regulations governing the applicable program <br />listed in paragraph (a) of this section) of a <br />qualified family any increase in income of the <br />family member who is a person with <br />disabilities as a result of employment over <br />prior income of that family member. <br />2/25/13 Page 6-43 <br />