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Chapter 7 <br />VERIFICATION <br />[24 CFR 982.516, 24 CFR 982.551, 24 CFR 5.230, Notice PIH 2010-19] <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The Santa Ana Housing Authority (SARA) must verify all information that is used to establish <br />the family's eligibility and level of assistance and is required to obtain the family's consent to <br />collect the information. Applicants and program participants must cooperate with the verification <br />process as a condition of receiving assistance. SARA must not pass on the cost of verification to <br />the family. <br />SARA will follow the verification guidance provided by HUD in PIH Notice 2010-19 and any <br />subsequent guidance issued by HUD. This chapter summarizes those requirements and provides <br />supplementary SARA policies. <br />Part I describes the general verification process. More detailed requirements related to individual <br />factors are provided in subsequent parts including family information (Part II), income and assets <br />(Part III), and mandatory deductions (Part IV). <br />Verification policies, rules and procedures will be modified as needed to accommodate persons <br />with disabilities. All information obtained through the verification process will be handled in <br />accordance with the records management policies of SARA. <br />PART I. GENERAL VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS <br />7-I.A. FAMILY CONSENT TO RELEASE OF INFORMATION [24 CFR 982.516 AND <br />982.551, 24 CFR 5.230] <br />The family must supply any information that SARA or HUD determines is necessary to the <br />administration of the program and must consent to SARA verification of that information [24 <br />CFR 982.551]. <br />Consent Forms <br />It is required that all adult applicants and participants sign form HUD-9886, Authorization for <br />Release of Information. The purpose of form HUD-9886 is to facilitate automated data collection <br />and computer matching from specific sources and provides the family's consent only for the <br />specific purposes listed on the form. HUD and SARA may collect information from State Wage <br />Information Collection Agencies (SWICAs) and current and former employers of adult family <br />members. Only HUD is authorized to collect information directly from the Internal Revenue <br />Service (IRS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). Adult family members must sign <br />other consent forms as needed to collect information relevant to the family's eligibility and level <br />o assistance. <br />Penalties for Failing to Consent [24 CFR 5.232] <br />If any family member who is required to sign a consent form fails to do so, SARA will deny <br />admission to applicants and terminate assistance of participants. The family may request an <br />~~02~12 Page 7-1 <br />