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Current acceptable tenant-provided documents must be used for income and rent determinations. <br />SARA will accept documents dated up to 6 months before the effective date of the family's <br />reexamination if the document represents the most recent scheduled report from a source. For <br />example, if the holder of a pension annuity provides semi-annual reports, SARA would accept <br />the most recent report. <br />Any family self certifications must be made in a format acceptable to SARA and must be signed <br />in the presence of a SARA representative or SARA notary public. <br />File Documentation <br />SARA must document in the file how the figures used in income and rent calculations were <br />determined. All verification attempts, information obtained, and decisions reached during the <br />verification process will be recorded in the family's file in sufficient detail to demonstrate that <br />SARA has followed all of the verification policies set forth in this plan. The record should be <br />sufficient to enable a staff member or HUD reviewer to understand the process followed and <br />conclusions reached. <br />When SARA is unable to obtain third-party verification, SAHA's staff will document in the <br />family file the reason that third-party verification was not available [24CFR 960.259©(1); <br />Notice PIH 2010-19] . <br />7-I.C. UP-FRONT INCOME VERIFICATION (UIV) <br />Up-front income verification (UIV) refers to SAHA's use of the verification tools available from <br />independent sources that maintain computerized information about earnings and benefits. UIV <br />will be used to the extent that these systems are available to SARA. <br />There maybe legitimate differences between the information provided by the family and UIV- <br />generatedinformation. No adverse action can be taken against a family until SARA has <br />independently verified the UIV information and the family has been granted an opportunity to <br />contest any adverse findings through the informal review/hearing process of SARA. <br />See Chapter 6 for SAHA's policy on the use of UIV/EIV to project annual income. <br />Up-front Income Verification Using HUD's Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System <br />(Mandatory) <br />The EIV System is aweb-based application, which provides PHAs with employment, wage, <br />unemployment compensation and social security benefit information of tenants who participate <br />in the Public Housing and various Section 8 programs under the jurisdiction of the Office of <br />Public and Indian Housing (PIH). The EIV system contains two main components: tenant <br />income data reports and "exceeds threshold" reports. <br />EIV is classified as an UIV technique (or automated written third party verification), which helps <br />to identify income sources and/or amounts that the tenant may not have disclosed. This UIV <br />technique in many instances will reduce the need to mail or fax third party verification request <br />orms to an income source. <br />~~02~12 Page 7-3 <br />