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7-III.H. INCOME FROM EXCLUDED SOURCES <br />A detailed discussion of excluded income is provided in Chapter 6, Part I. <br />SARA must obtain verification for income exclusions only if, without verification, SARA would <br />not be able to determine whether the income is to be excluded. For example: If a family's 16 <br />year old has a j ob at a fast food restaurant, SARA will confirm that SARA records verify the <br />child's age but will not require third-party verification of the amount earned. However, if a <br />family claims the earned income disallowance for a source of income, both the source and the <br />income must be verified. <br />SARA will reconcile differences in amounts reported by the third party and the family only <br />when the excluded amount is used to calculate the family share (as is the case with the earned <br />income disallowance). In all other cases, SARA will report the amount to be excluded as <br />indicated on documents provided by the family. <br />7-III.I. ZERO ANNUAL INCOME STATUS <br />Families claiming to have no annual income will be required to execute verification forms to <br />determine that certain forms of income such as unemployment benefits, TANF, SSI, etc. are not <br />being received by the household. These families are required to undergo a file review every <br />S1Xty ayS. <br />7-III.J. STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE <br />Any financial assistance, in excess of amounts received for tuition, that a person attending an <br />institution of higher education receives under the Higher Education Act of 1965, from private <br />sources, or from an institution of higher education must be considered income unless the student <br />is over the age of 23 with dependent children or is residing with parents who are seeking or <br />receiving HCV assistance [24 CFR 5.609(b)(9) and FR 4/10/06]. <br />For students over the age of 23 with dependent children or students residing with parents who are <br />seeking or receiving HCV assistance, the full amount of student financial assistance is excluded <br />from annual income [24 CFR 5.609(c)(6)]. The full amount of student financial assistance is also <br />excluded for students attending schools that do not qualify as institutions of higher education (as <br />defined in Exhibit 3-2). Excluded amounts are verified only if, without verification, SARA <br />would not be able to determine whether or to what extent the income is to be excluded (see <br />Section 7-III.H). <br />For a student subj ect to having aportion ofhis/her student financial assistance included <br />in annual income in accordance with 24 CFR 5.609(b)(9), the PHA will request written <br />third-party verification of both the source and the amount. Family-provided documents <br />from the educational institution attended by the student will be requested, as well as <br />documents generated by any other person or entity providing such assistance, as reported <br />by the student. <br />~~02~12 Page 7-19 <br />