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8.I.C. LIFE THREATENING CONDITIONS [24 CFR 982.404(a)] <br />HUD requires SARA to define life threatening conditions and to notify the owner or the family <br />(whichever is responsible) of the corrections required. The responsible party must correct life <br />threatening conditions within 24 hours of SARA notification. <br />The following are considered life threatening conditions: <br />Any condition that j eopardizes the security of the unit <br />Maj or plumbing leaks or flooding, waterlogged ceiling or floor in imminent danger of <br />falling <br />Natural or LP gas or fuel oil leaks <br />Any electrical problem or condition that could result in shock or fire <br />Absence of a working heating system when outside temperature is below 60 degrees <br />Fahrenheit. <br />Utilities not in service, including no running hot water <br />Conditions that present the imminent possibility of injury <br />Obstacles that prevent safe entrance or exit from the unit <br />Absence of a functioning toilet in the unit <br />Inoperable smoke detectors <br />If an owner fails to correct life threatening conditions as required by SARA, the housing <br />assistance payment will be abated and the HAP contract will be terminated. See 8-II-G. <br />If a family fails to correct a family caused life threatening condition as required by SARA, <br />SARA may terminate the family's assistance. See 8-II.H. <br />The owner will be required to repair an inoperable smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector <br />unless SARA determines that the family has intentionally disconnected it (by removing batteries <br />or other means). In this case, the family will be required to repair the smoke detector within 24 <br />hours. <br />~~02~12 Page 8-6 <br />