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If an adult or an adult family member cannot be present on the scheduled date, the family must <br />request that SARA reschedule the inspection. SARA and family will agree on a new inspection <br />date that generally should take place within 5 business days of the originally-scheduled date. <br />SARA may schedule an inspection more than 5 business days after the original date for good <br />cause. <br />If the family misses the first scheduled appointment without requesting a new inspection date, <br />SARA will automatically schedule a second inspection. If the family misses two scheduled <br />inspections without SARA approval, SARA will consider the family to have violated its <br />obligation to make the unit available for inspection. This may result in termination of the <br />family's assistance in accordance with Chapter 12. <br />8-II.D. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS [HCV GB p.10-30] <br />SARA will conduct a special inspection if the owner, family, or another source reports HQS <br />violations in the unit. <br />During a special inspection, SARA generally will inspect only those deficiencies that were <br />reported. However, the inspector will record any additional HQS deficiencies that are observed <br />and will require the responsible party to make the necessary repairs. <br />If the annual inspection has been scheduled or is due within 90 days of the date the special <br />inspection is scheduled SARA may elect to conduct a full annual inspection. <br />8-II.E. QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTIONS [24 CFR 982.405(b), HCV GB p. 10-32] <br />HUD requires a SARA supervisor or other qualified person to conduct quality control (QC) <br />inspections of a sample of units to ensure that each inspector is conducting accurate and <br />complete inspections and that there is consistency in the application of the HQS. <br />The unit sample must include only units that have been inspected within the preceding 3 months. <br />Sample size will, at a minimum, conform to HUD requirements. The selected sample will <br />inc u e: <br />• each type of inspection (initial, annual, and special), <br />• inspections completed by each inspector, and <br />~ units from across-section of neighborhoods. <br />Quality control inspections provide feedback on inspector performance and assist in identifying <br />training needs. When rating an individual inspector's performance the QC inspector will <br />consider whether the fail items present occurred after the original inspection. If so, such items <br />will not be considered an oversight by the original inspector. <br />A QC inspection tracking system will list by year the address, ZIP code, and census tract of <br />selected units, along with original inspector's name, date of original inspection, and any <br />discrepancies found. <br />~~02~12 Page 8-10 <br />