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Rents Charged for Other Units on the Premises <br />The Request for Tenancy Approval (HUD-52517) requires owners to provide information, on the <br />form itself, about the rent charged for other unassisted comparable units on the premises if the <br />premises include more than 4 units. <br />By accepting SARA payment each month the owner certifies that the rent is not more than the <br />rent charged for comparable unassisted units on the premises. If asked to do so, the owner must <br />give SARA information regarding rents charged for other units on the premises. <br />8-III.D. SAHA RENT REASONABLENESS METHODOLOGY <br />How Market Data is Collected <br />SARA will collect and maintain data on market rents in SAHA's jurisdiction. Information <br />sources include newspapers, realtors, market surveys, inquiries of owners and other available <br />sources. The data will be maintained by bedroom size and market areas. Market areas maybe <br />defined by zip codes, census tract, neighborhood, and identifiable natural or man-made <br />boundaries. The data will be updated on an ongoing basis and rent information that is more than <br />12 months old will be eliminated from the database. <br />SARA may use a third party vendor to provide software which provides rent reasonableness <br />data. <br />How Rents are Determined <br />The rent for a unit proposed for HCV assistance will be compared to the rent charged for <br />comparable units in the same market area. SARA will develop a range of prices for comparable <br />units by bedroom size within defined market areas. Units proposed for HCV assistance will be <br />compared to the units within this rent range. Because units maybe similar, but not exactly like <br />the unit proposed for HCV assistance, SAHA may make adjustments to the range of prices to <br />account for these differences. <br />Each of the factors listed above on the unit to be assisted will be compared, using a point <br />adjustment system, to those factors of comparable unassisted units in the database. The average <br />will be adjusted up or down based on the dollar value of all HUD required comparable items in <br />comparison with the total. <br />The adjustment must reflect the rental value of the difference -not its construction costs (e.g., it <br />might cost $20,000 to put on a new roof, but the new roof might not make any difference in what <br />a tenant would be willing to pay because rents units are presumed to have functioning roofs). <br />When a comparable project offers rent concessions (e.g., first month rent-free, or reduced rent) <br />reported monthly rents will be adjusted accordingly. For example, if a comparable project reports <br />rents of $500/month but new tenants receive the first month's rent free, the actual rent for the unit <br />would be calculated as follows: $500 x 11 months = 5500/12 months =actual monthly rent of <br />$488. <br />SARA will notify the owner of the rent SAHA can approve based upon its analysis of rents for <br />comparable units. The owner may submit information about other comparable units in the market <br />area. SARA will confirm the accuracy of the information provided and consider this additional <br />information when making rent determinations. The owner must submit any additional <br />~~02~12 Page 8-15 <br />