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When the family submits the RTA SARA will review the RTA for completeness. <br />If the RTA is incomplete (including lack of signature by family, owner, or both), or if the <br />dwelling lease is not submitted with the RTA, SARA will notify the family and the owner of the <br />deficiencies. <br />Missing information and/or missing documents will only be accepted as hard copies, in-person, <br />by mail, or by fax. SARA will not accept missing information over the phone. <br />When the family submits the RTA and proposed lease, SARA will also review the terms of the <br />RTA for consistency with the terms of the proposed lease. <br />If the terms of the RTA are not consistent with the terms of the proposed lease, SARA will <br />notify the family and the owner of the discrepancies. <br />Corrections to the terms of the RTA and/or the proposed lease will only be accepted as hard <br />copies, in-person, by mail or by fax. SARA will not accept corrections by phone. <br />Because of the time sensitive nature of the tenancy approval process, SARA will attempt to <br />communicate with the owner and family by phone, fax, or email. SARA will use mail when the <br />parties can't be reached by phone, fax, or email. <br />9-I.C. OWNER PARTICIPATION <br />SARA does not formally approve an owner to participate in the HCV program. However, there <br />are a number of criteria where SARA may deny approval of an assisted tenancy based on past <br />owner behavior, conflict of interest, or other owner-related issues. No owner has a right to <br />participate in the HCV program [24 CFR 982.306(e)] <br />See Chapter 13 for a full discussion of owner qualification to participate in the HCV program. <br />9-I.D. ELIGIBLE UNITS <br />There are a number of criteria that a dwelling unit must meet in order to be eligible for assistance <br />under the voucher program. Generally, avoucher-holder family may choose any available rental <br />dwelling unit on the market in SAHA's jurisdiction. This includes the dwelling unit they are <br />currently occupying. <br />Ineligible Units [24 CFR 982.352(a)] <br />SARA may not assist a unit under the voucher program if the unit is a public housing or Indian <br />housing unit; a unit receiving project-based assistance under section 8 of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. <br />1437; nursing homes, or facilities providing continual psychiatric, medical, or nursing services; <br />college or other school dormitories; units on the grounds of penal, reformatory, medical, mental, <br />and similar public or private institutions; a unit occupied by its owner or by a person with any <br />interest in the unit. <br />Special Housing Types [24 CFR 982 Subpart M] <br />HUD regulations permit, but do not generally require, SARA to permit families to use voucher <br />assistance in a number of special housing types in accordance with the specific requirements <br />applicable to those programs. These special housing types include single room occupancy (SRO) <br />housing, congregate housing, group home, shared housing, manufactured home space (where the <br />family owns the manufactured home and leases only the space), cooperative housing and <br />7/02/12 Page 9-3 <br />