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Rent Reasonableness [24 CFR 982.305 and 24 CFR 982.507] <br />In order to be eligible, the dwelling unit must have a reasonable rent. The rent must be <br />reasonable in relation to comparable unassisted units in the area and must not be in excess of <br />rents charged by the owner for comparable, unassisted units on the premises. See Chapter 8 for a <br />full discussion of rent reasonableness and the rent reasonableness determination process. <br />Rent Burden [24 CFR 982.508] <br />Where a family is initially leasing a unit and the gross rent of the unit exceeds the applicable <br />payment standard for the family, the dwelling unit rent must be at a level where the family's <br />share of rent does not exceed 40 percent of the family's monthly adjusted income. See Chapter 6 <br />for a discussion of calculation of gross rent, the use of payment standards, and calculation of <br />family income, family share of rent and HAP. <br />9-I.E. LEASE AND TENANCY ADDENDUM <br />The family and the owner must execute and enter into a written dwelling lease for the assisted <br />unit. This written lease is a contract between the tenant family and the owner; SARA is not a <br />party to this contract. <br />The tenant must have legal capacity to enter a lease under State and local law. 'Legal capacity' <br />means that the tenant is bound by the terms of the lease and may enforce the terms of the lease <br />against the owner [24 CFR 982.308(a)] <br />Lease Form and Tenancy Addendum [24 CFR 982.308] <br />If the owner uses a standard lease form for rental to unassisted tenants in the locality or the <br />premises, the lease must be in such standard form. If the owner does not use a standard lease <br />form for rental to unassisted tenants, the owner may use another form of lease. The HAP contract <br />prescribed by HUD contains the owner's certification that if the owner uses a standard lease form <br />for rental to unassisted tenants, the lease is in such standard form. <br />All provisions in the HUD-required Tenancy Addendum must also be added word-for-word to <br />the owner's standard lease form, for use with the assisted family. The Tenancy Addendum <br />includes the tenancy requirements for the program and the composition of the household as <br />approved by SARA. As a part of the lease, the tenant shall have the right to enforce the Tenancy <br />Addendum against the owner and the terms of the Tenancy Addendum shall prevail over any <br />other provisions of the lease. <br />SARA will provide upon request a standard dwelling lease form which is recognized by the <br />Orange County Apartment Owners Association. <br />Lease Information [24 CFR 982.308(4)] <br />The assisted dwelling lease must contain all of the required information as listed below: <br />• The names of the owner and the tenant: <br />• The unit rented (address, apartment number, and any other information needed to identify the <br />contract unit) <br />7/02/12 Page 9-5 <br />