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• The owner has given the family a notice to vacate, has commenced an action to evict the <br />family, or has obtained a court judgment or other process allowing the owner to evict the <br />family [24 CFR 982.314(b)(2)]. The family must give SARA a copy of any owner eviction <br />notice [24 CFR 982.551(8)]. <br />• SARA has terminated the assisted lease for the family's unit for the owner's breach [24 MFR <br />982.314(b)(1)(i)]. <br />SARA determines that the family's current unit does not meet the HQS space standards <br />because of an increase in family size or a change in family composition. In such cases, <br />SARA must issue the family a new voucher and family must end an acceptable unit as soon <br />as possible. if an accepta'oie u~iit is available for the family, the PHA must terminate the <br />HAP contract for the family's old unit in accordance with the HAP contract terms and must <br />notify both the family and the owner of the termination. The HAP contract terminates at the <br />end of the calendar month that follows the calendar month in which the PHA gives notice to <br />the owner. [24 CFR 982.403(a} and (c)] <br />1o-LB. ItESTRICTIC}NS 4N MDVES <br />A family's right to move is generally contingent upon the family's compliance with program <br />requirements [24 CFR 982.1(b}(2}]. HUD species two conditions under which a PHA may <br />deny a family permission to move and t~v0 ~~rays in whlcl. a PHA may restrict moves by a family. <br />Denial of Moves <br />HUD regulations SAKE to de_n_y a _family permission to move under the following <br />conditions: <br />Insuf~eient ~un~'r'ng <br />SA~HA may deny a family permission to move if SARA does not have sufficient funding for <br />continued assistance [24 CFR 982.3 l 4(e}(t }]. If (a} the move is initiated by the family, not the <br />owner or SAHA; (b} SAHA can demonstrate that the move will, ~n fact, result ~n higher subs~dy <br />costs; and (c} SARA can demonstrate, in accordance with the policies in Part VIII of Chapter 16, <br />that it does not have sufficient funding in its annual budget to accommodate the higher subsidy <br />costs. This policy applies to moves within SAHA's jurisdiction as well as to moves outside it <br />under portability and mobility. [24 CFR 982.314(e}(1 }] <br />The PHA will create a list of families whose moves have been denied due to insufficient funding. <br />when funds become available, the families on this list will take precedence over families on the <br />waiting list. The PHA will use the same procedures for notifying families with open requests to <br />move when funds become available as it uses far notifying families on the waiting list (see <br />section 4-III.D}, <br />The PHA will inform the family of its policy regarding moves denied due to insufficient funding <br />in a letter to the family at the time the move is denied. <br />Groundswfor Denial or Tertninatiou of Assistance <br />SARA has grounds for denying or terminating the family's assistance [24 CFR 982.314(e}(2)]. <br />VAwA creates an exception to these restrictions far families who are otherwise in compliance <br />with program obligations, but have moved to protect the health or safety of an individual who is <br />Page 10-2 <br />71021 ~ 2 <br />