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PART II: PORTABILITY <br />10-II.A. OVERVIEW <br />Within the limitations of the regulations and this plan, a participant family or an applicant family <br />that has been issued a voucher has the right to use tenant-based voucher assistance to lease a unit <br />anywhere in the United States providing that the unit is located within the jurisdiction of a PHA <br />administering atenant-based voucher program [24 CFR 982.353(b)]. The process by which a <br />family obtains a voucher from one PHA and uses it to lease a unit in the jurisdiction of another <br />PHA is known as portability. The first PHA is called the initial PHA. The second is called the <br />receiving PHA. <br />The receiving PHA has the option of administering the family's voucher for the initial PHA or <br />absorbing the family into its own program. Under the first option, the receiving PHA bills the <br />initial PHA for the family's housing assistance payments and the fees for administering the <br />family's voucher. Under the second option, the receiving PHA pays for the family's assistance <br />out of its own program funds, and the initial PHA has no further relationship with the family. <br />The same PHA commonly acts as the initial PHA for some families and as the receiving PHA for <br />others. Each role involves different responsibilities. SARA will follow the rules and policies in <br />section 1 o-II.B when it is acting as the initial PHA for a family. It will follow the rules and <br />policies in section to-II.C when it is acting as the receiving PHA for a family. <br />10-II.B. INITIAL PHA ROLE <br />Allowable Moves under Portability <br />A family may move with voucher assistance only to an area where there is at least one PHA <br />administering a voucher program [24 CFR 982.353(b)]. If there is more than one PHA in the <br />area, the initial PHA may choose the receiving PHA [24 CFR 982.355(b)]. <br />Applicant families that have been issued vouchers as well as participant families may qualify to <br />lease a unit outside SAHA's jurisdiction under portability. The initial PHA, in accordance with <br />HUD regulations and PHA policy, determines whether a family qualifies. <br />Applicant Families <br />Under HUD regulations, most applicant families qualify to lease a unit outside SAHA's <br />jurisdiction under portability. However, HUD gives SARA discretion to deny a portability move <br />by an applicant family for the same two reasons that it may deny any move by a participant <br />family: insufficient funding and grounds for denial or termination of assistance. <br />In determining whether or not to deny an applicant family permission to move under portability <br />because SARA lacks sufficient funding or has grounds for denying assistance to the family, the <br />initial PHA will follow the policies established in section 1 o-I.B of this chapter. <br />In addition, SARA may establish a policy denying the right to portability to nonresident <br />applicants during the first 12 months after they are admitted to the program [24 CFR <br />982.353(c)]. <br />Page 10-5 <br />7/02/12 <br />