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Utility Allowances [24 CFR 982.517(d)] <br />The family share of the rent and HAP calculations must reflect any changes in the family's utility <br />arrangement with the owner, or in SAHA's utility allowance schedule [HCV GB, p.12-5]. <br />Chapter 16 discusses how utility allowance schedules are established. <br />When there are changes in the utility arrangement with the owner, SARA must use the utility <br />allowances in effect at the time the new lease and HAP contract are executed. <br />Revised utility allowances will be applied to a family's rent and subsidy calculations at the first <br />annual reexamination after the allowance is adopted. <br />11-III.C. NOTIFICATION OF NEVV FAMILY SHARE AND HAP AMOUNT <br />SARA must notify the owner and family of any changes in the amount of the HAP payment <br />[HUD-52641, HAP Contract]. The notice must include the following information [HCV GB, p. <br />12-6] <br />The amount and effective date of the new HAP payment <br />• The amount and effective date of the new tenant rent to owner <br />The family must be given an opportunity for an informal hearing regarding SAHA's <br />determination of their annual or adjusted income, and the use of such income to compute the <br />housing assistance payment [24 CFR 982.555(a)(1)(i)] (see Chapter 16). <br />The notice to the family will include the annual and adjusted income amounts that were used to <br />calculate the family share of the rent and the housing assistance payment. The notice also will <br />state the procedures for requesting an informal hearing. <br />11-III.D. DISCREPANCIES <br />During an annual or interim reexamination, SARA may discover that information previously <br />reported by the family was in error, or that the family intentionally misrepresented information. <br />In addition, SARA may discover errors made by SARA. When errors resulting in the <br />overpayment or underpayment of subsidy are discovered, corrections will be made in accordance <br />with the policies in Chapter 13. <br />~~02~12 Page 11-9 <br />