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Chapter 12 <br />TERMINATION OF ASSISTANCE AND TENANCY <br />HUD regulations specify the reasons for which SARA can terminate a family's assistance, and <br />the ways in which such terminations must take place. They also dictate the circumstances under <br />which an owner may terminate the tenancy of an assisted family. This chapter presents the <br />policies that govern voluntary and involuntary terminations of assistance, and termination of <br />tenancy by the owner. It is presented in three parts: <br />Part I: Grounds for Termination of Assistance. This part discusses various reasons that a <br />family's assistance may be terminated, including voluntary termination by the family, <br />termination because the family no longer qualifies to receive subsidy, and termination by <br />SARA based on the family's behavior. <br />Part II: Approach to Termination of Assistance. This part describes the policies that <br />govern how an involuntary termination takes place. It specifies the alternatives that <br />SARA may consider in lieu of termination, the criteria SARA must use when deciding <br />what action to take, and the steps SARA must take when terminating a family's <br />assistance. <br />Part III: Termination of Tenancy by the Owner. This part presents the policies that <br />govern the owner's right to terminate an assisted tenancy. <br />PART I: GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION OF ASSISTANCE <br />12-LA. OVERVIEW <br />HUD requires SARA to terminate assistance for certain offenses and when the family no longer <br />requires assistance. HUD ep rmits SARA to terminate assistance for certain other actions family <br />members take or fail to take. In addition, a family may decide to stop receiving HCV assistance <br />at any time by notifying SARA. <br />12-I.B. FAMILY NO LONGER REQUIRES ASSISTANCE [24 CFR 982.455] <br />As a family's income increases, the amount of SARA subsidy goes down. If the amount of HCV <br />assistance provided by SARA drops to zero and remains at zero for 180 consecutive calendar <br />days the family's assistance terminates automatically. <br />If a participating family receiving zero assistance experiences a change in circumstances that <br />would cause the HAP payment to rise above zero, the family must notify SARA of the changed <br />circumstances and request an interim reexamination before the expiration of the 18o-day period. <br />12-I.C. FAMILY CHOOSES TO TERMINATE ASSISTANCE <br />The family may request that SARA terminate the family's assistance at any time. <br />The request to terminate assistance must be made in writing and signed by the head of <br />household, spouse, or cohead. Before terminating the family's assistance, SARA will follow the <br />notice requirements in Section 12-II.E. <br />~~02~12 Page 12-1 <br />