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However, if the family is otherwise eligible for continued program assistance, and SARA <br />determines that the family's failure to meet the SSN disclosure and documentation requirements <br />was due to circumstances that could not have been foreseen and were outside of the family's <br />control, SARA may defer the family's termination and provide the opportunity to comply with <br />the requirement within a period not to exceed 90 calendar days from the date SARA determined <br />the family to be noncompliant. <br />SARA will defer the family's termination and provide the family with the opportunity to comply <br />with the requirement for a period of 90 calendar days for circumstances beyond the participant's <br />control such as delayed processing of the SSN application by the SSA, natural disaster, fire, <br />death in the family, or other emergency, if there is a reasonable likelihood that the participant <br />will be able to disclose an SSN by the deadline. <br />Methamphetamine Manufacture or Production [24 CFR 982.553(b)(1)(ii)] <br />SARA must terminate assistance if any household member has ever been convicted of the <br />manufacture or production of methamphetamine on the premises of federally-assisted housing. <br />Failure of Students to Meet Ongoing Eligibility Requirements [24 CFR 982.552(b)(5) and <br />FR 4/10/06] <br />If a student enrolled at an institution of higher education is under the age of 24, is not a veteran, <br />is not married, does not have dependent children, is not residing with his/her parents in an HCV <br />assisted household, and is not a person with disabilities receiving HCV assistance as of <br />November 30, 2005, SAHA must terminate the student's assistance if, at the time of <br />reexamination, either the student's income or the income of the student's parents (if applicable) <br />exceeds the applicable income limit. <br />If a participant household consists of both eligible and ineligible students, the eligible students <br />shall not be terminated, but must be issued a voucher to move with continued assistance in <br />accordance with program regulations and SAHA policies, or must be given the opportunity to <br />lease in place if the terminated ineligible student members elect to move out of the assisted unit. <br />Death of the Sole Family Member [24CFR 982.311(d) and Notice PIH 2010-9] <br />The PHA must immediately terminate program assistance for deceased single member <br />households. <br />12-I.E. MANDATORY POLICIES AND OTHER AUTHORIZED TERMINATIONS <br />Mandatory Policies [24 CFR 982.553(b) and 982.551(1)] <br />HUD requires SARA to establish policies that permit SAHA to terminate assistance if SARA <br />determines that: <br />Any household member is currently engaged in any illegal use of a drug, or has a pattern of <br />illegal drug use that interferes with the health, safety, or right to peaceful enj oyment of the <br />premises by other residents <br />• Any household member's abuse or pattern of abuse of alcohol may threaten the health, <br />safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents <br />Any household member has violated the family's obligation not to engage in any drug- <br />relatedcriminal activity <br />~~02~12 Page 12-3 <br />