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PART II. HAP CONTRACTS <br />13-II.A. OVERVIEW <br />The HAP contract represents a written agreement between SARA and the owner of the dwelling <br />unit occupied by a HCV assisted family. The contract spells out the owner's responsibilities <br />under the program, as well as SAHA's obligations. Under the HAP contract, SARA agrees to <br />make housing assistance payments to the owner on behalf of a specific family occupying a <br />specific unit. <br />The HAP contract is used for all HCV program tenancies except for assistance under the <br />Section 8 homeownership program, and assistance to families that own a manufactured home <br />and lease the space. See chapter 15 for a discussion of any special housing types included in <br />SAHA's HCV program. <br />If SARA has given approval for the family of the assisted tenancy, the owner and SARA execute <br />the HAP contract. See chapter 9 for a discussion of the leasing process, including provisions for <br />execution of the HAP contract. <br />13-II.B. HAP CONTRACT CONTENTS <br />The HAP contract format is required by HUD, specifically Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) <br />Contract, Form HUD-52641. <br />The HAP contract contains three parts. <br />Part A of the contract includes basic contract information about the name of the tenant family, <br />address of the contract unit, names of all household members, first and last dates of initial lease <br />term, amount of initial monthly rent to owner, amount of initial housing assistance payment, <br />utilities and appliances to be supplied by owner and tenant, signatures of SARA and owner <br />[HCV Guidebook, pp 11-10 and 11-11 ] . <br />In general, the HAP contract cannot be modified. However, PHAs do have the discretion to add <br />language to Part A of the HAP contract which prohibits the owner from collecting a security <br />deposit in excess of private market practices or in excess of amounts charged to unassisted <br />tenants. SARA policy on the amount of security deposit an owner may collect is found in <br />chapter 9. <br />In addition, PHAs have the discretion to add language to Part A of the HAP contract that defines <br />when the housing assistance payment by SARA is deemed received by the owner (e.g., upon <br />mailing by SARA or actual receipt by the owner). <br />SARA has not adopted a policy that defines when the housing assistance payment by SARA is <br />deemed received by the owner. Therefore, no modifications to the HAP contract will be <br />necessary. <br />7/02/12 Page 13-8 <br />