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Late HAP Payments [24 CFR 982.451(a)(5)] <br />SARA is responsible for making HAP payments promptly when due to the owner, in accordance <br />with the terms of the HAP contract. After the first two calendar months of the HAP contract <br />term, the HAP contract provides for penalties if SARA fails to make the HAP payment on time. <br />Penalties for late HAP payments can only be imposed if 1) the penalties are in accordance with <br />generally accepted local rental market practices and law governing penalties for late payment by <br />tenants; 2) it is the owner's normal business practice to charge late payment penalties for both <br />assisted and unassisted families; and 3) the owner charges the assisted family for late payment of <br />the family's share of the rent. <br />SARA will pay a $25.00 or .5%, whichever is greater, late fee to the owner for housing <br />assistance payments that are not mailed to or deposited into their bank account by the third day <br />of the month, if requested by the owner. <br />SARA is not required to pay a late payment penalty if HUD determines that the payment is late <br />for reasons beyond SAHA's control. In addition, late payment penalties are not required if <br />SARA intentionally delays or denies payment as a remedy to an owner breach of the HAP <br />contract [HCV Guidebook p. l l -7] . <br />Termination of HAP Payments [24 CFR 982.311(b)] <br />SARA must continue making housing assistance payments to the owner in accordance with the <br />HAP contract as long as the tenant continues to occupy the unit and the HAP contract is not <br />violated. <br />HAP payments terminate when the HAP contract terminates or when the tenancy is terminated in <br />accordance with the terms of the lease. <br />If the owner has initiated eviction proceedings against the family and the family continues to <br />reside in the unit, SARA must continue to make housing assistance payments to the owner until <br />the owner has obtained a court judgment or other process allowing the owner to evict the tenant. <br />The owner must inform SARA when the owner has initiated eviction proceedings against the <br />family and the family continues to reside in the unit. <br />The owner must inform SARA when the owner has obtained a court judgment or other process <br />allowing the owner to evict the tenant, and provide SARA with a copy of such j udgment or <br />determination. <br />After the owner has obtained a court judgment or other process allowing the owner to evict the <br />tenant, SARA will continue to make HAP payments to the owner until the family actually moves <br />from the unit or until the family is physically evicted from the unit, whichever is earlier. The <br />owner must inform SARA of the date when the family actually moves from the unit or the <br />family is physically evicted from the unit. <br />7/02/12 Page 13 -11 <br />