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Sanitary Facilities: At least one flush toilet that can be used in privacy, a lavatory basin, and <br />a bathtub or shower in proper operating condition must be provided for each six persons (or <br />fewer) residing in the SRO facility. If the SRO units are leased only to men, flush urinals <br />maybe substituted for up to one half of the required number of toilets. Sanitary facilities <br />must be reasonably accessible from a common hall or passageway, and may not be located <br />more than one floor above or below the SRO unit. They may not be located below grade <br />unless the SRO units are located on that level. <br />Space and Security: An SRO unit must contain at least 11 o square feet of floor space, and at <br />least four square feet of closet space with an unobstructed height of at least five feet, for use <br />by the occupant. If the closet space is less than four square feet, the habitable floor space in <br />the SRO unit must be increased by the amount of the deficiency. Exterior doors and windows <br />accessible from outside the SRO unit must be lockable. <br />Because no children live in SRO housing, the housing quality standards applicable to lead- <br />basedpaint do not apply. <br />7/02/12 Page 15-3 <br />