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Space Rent <br />The space rent is the sum of the rent to the owner for the manufactured home space, any charges <br />for maintenance and management provided by the owner, and the utility allowance for tenant- <br />paidutilities. <br />Housing Assistance Payment <br />The HAP for a manufactured home space under the housing choice voucher program is the lower <br />of the payment standard minus the TTP or the (gross) manufactured home space rent minus the <br />TTP. <br />Rent Reasonableness <br />Initially, and annually thereafter SARA must determine that the rent for the manufactured home <br />space is reasonable based on rents for comparable manufactured home spaces. SARA must <br />consider the location and size of the space, and any services and maintenance to be provided by <br />the owner. By accepting the monthly HAP check, the owner certifies that the rent does not <br />exceed rents charged by the owner for comparable unassisted spaces in the manufactured home <br />park or elsewhere. <br />15-VI.D. HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS <br />Under either type of occupancy described in 15-VI.A above, the manufactured home must meet <br />all HQS performance requirements and acceptability criteria discussed in Chapter 8 of this plan. <br />In addition, the following requirement applies: <br />Hanufactured Home Tie Down <br />A manufactured home must be placed on the site in a stable manner, and must be free from <br />hazards such as sliding or wind damage. The home must be securely anchored by atie-down <br />device that distributes and transfers the loads imposed by the unit to appropriate ground anchors <br />to resist overturning and sliding. <br />7/02/12 Page 15-11 <br />