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Principal and interest on debt incurred to finance major repairs, replacements or <br />improvements for the home. If a member of the family is a person with disabilities, such debt <br />may include debt incurred by the family to finance costs needed to make the home accessible <br />for such person, if SARA determines that allowance of such costs as homeownership <br />expenses is needed as a reasonable accommodation so that the homeownership option is <br />readily accessible to and usable by such person. <br />Cooperative operating charges or maintenance fees assessed by the cooperative homeowner <br />association. <br />15-VII.L. PORTABILITY [24 CFR 982.636, 982.637, 982.353(b) and (c), 982.552, 982.553] <br />Subject to the restrictions on portability included in HUD regulations and PHA policies, a family <br />may exercise portability if the receiving PHA is administering a voucher homeownership <br />program and accepting new homeownership families. The receiving PHA may absorb the family <br />into its voucher program, or bill the initial PHA. <br />The family must attend the briefing and counseling sessions required by the receiving PHA. The <br />receiving PHA will determine whether the financing for, and the physical condition of the unit, <br />are acceptable. The receiving PHA must promptly notify the initial PHA if the family has <br />purchased an eligible unit under the program, or if the family is unable to purchase a home <br />within the maximum time established by SARA. <br />15-VII.M. MOVING WITH CONTINUED ASSISTANCE [24 CFR 982.637] <br />A family receiving homeownership assistance may move with continued tenant-based assistance. <br />The family may move with voucher rental assistance or with voucher homeownership assistance. <br />Continued tenant-based assistance for a new unit cannot begin so long as any family member <br />holds title to the prior home. <br />SARA may deny permission to move to a new unit with continued voucher assistance as <br />follows: <br />• Lack of funding to provide continued assistance. <br />• At any time, SARA may deny permission to move with continued rental or homeownership <br />assistance in accordance with 24 CFR 982.638, regarding denial or termination of assistance. <br />• In accordance with SAHA's policy regarding number of moves within a 12-month period. <br />SARA must deny the family permission to move to a new unit with continued voucher rental <br />assistance if: <br />• The family defaulted on anFHA-insured mortgage; and <br />The family fails to demonstrate that the family has conveyed, or will convey, title to the <br />home, as required by HUD, to HUD or HUD's designee; and the family has moved, or will <br />move, from the home within the period established or approved by HUD. <br />7/02/12 Page 15-19 <br />