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Lease-up Time and Success Rate: SARA will consider the percentage of <br />families that are unable to locate suitable housing before the voucher expires and <br />whether families are leaving the jurisdiction to find affordable housing. <br />Changes to payment standard amounts will be effective on December 1 St of every year. <br />Exception Payment Standards [982.503(c)] <br />SARA must request HUD approval to establish payment standards that are higher than the basic <br />range. At HUD's sole discretion, HUD may approve a payment standard amount that is higher <br />than the basic range for a designated part of the FMR area. HUD may approve an exception <br />payment standard amount (in accordance with program requirements) for all units, or for all units <br />of a given size, leased by program families in the exception area. Any SARA with jurisdiction in <br />the exception area may use the HUD-approved exception payment standard amount. The total <br />population of all HUD-approved exception areas in an FMR area may not include more than 50 <br />percent of the population of the FMR area. <br />Unit-by-Unit Exceptions [24 CFR 982.503(c)(2)(ii)] <br />Unit-by-unit exceptions to SAHA's payment standards generally are not permitted. However, an <br />exception maybe made as a reasonable accommodation for a family that includes a person with <br />disabilities. (See Chapter 2 for a discussion of reasonable accommodations.) This type of <br />exception does not affect SAHA's payment standard schedule. <br />When needed as a reasonable accommodation, SARA may make an exception to the payment <br />standard without HUD approval if the exception amount does not exceed 110 percent of the <br />applicable FMR for the unit size [HCV GB 7-9] . SARA may request HUD approval for an <br />exception to the payment standard for a particular family if the required amount falls between <br />110 and 120 percent of the FMR. <br />A family that requires a reasonable accommodation may request a higher payment <br />standard at the time the Request for Tenancy Approval (BETA) is submitted. The family <br />must document the need for the exception. In order to approve an exception, or request an <br />exception from HUD, SARA must determine that: <br />There is a shortage of affordable units that would be appropriate for the family; <br />The family's TTP would otherwise exceed 40 percent of adjusted monthly <br />income; and <br />The rent for the unit is reasonable. <br />"Success Rate" Payment Standard Amounts [24 CFR 982.503(e)] <br />If a substantial percentage of families have difficulty finding a suitable unit, SARA may request <br />a "success rate payment standard" that applies to the entire jurisdiction. If approved by HUD, a <br />success rate payment standard allows the PHA to set its payment standards at 90-110 percent of a <br />higher FMR (the 50th, rather than the 40th percentile FMB). To support the request, SARA must <br />demonstrate that during the most recent 6-month period for which information is available: <br />Fewer than 75 percent of families who were issued vouchers became participants; <br />SARA had established payment standards for all unit sizes, and for the entire jurisdiction, at <br />110 percent of the published FMR; and <br />o~ro2~12 Page 16-4 <br />