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to the family's eligibility status, or in the possession of the USCIS (as permitted by USCIS <br />requirements), including any records and regulations that maybe relevant to the hearing. <br />The family will be allowed to copy any documents related to the hearing at a cost of $.25 <br />per page. The family must request discovery of SARA documents no later than <br />12:00 p.m. on the business day prior to the hearing. <br />The family must be provided the opportunity to present evidence and arguments in support of <br />eligible status. Evidence maybe considered without regard to admissibility under the rules of <br />evidence applicable to judicial proceedings. <br />The family must also be provided the opportunity to refute evidence relied upon by SARA, and <br />to confront and cross-examine all witnesses on whose testimony or information SARA relies. <br />Representation and Interpretive Services <br />The family is entitled to be represented by an attorney or other designee, at the family's expense, <br />and to have such person make statements on the family's behalf. <br />The family is entitled to arrange for an interpreter to attend the hearing, at the expense of the <br />family, or SARA, as maybe agreed upon by the two parties. <br />Recording of the Hearing <br />The family is entitled to have the hearing recorded by audiotape. SARA may, but is not required <br />to provide a transcript of the hearing. <br />Hearing Decision <br />SARA will provide the family with a written final decision, based solely on the facts presented at <br />the hearing, within 14 calendar days of the date of the informal hearing. The decision must state <br />the basis for the decision. <br />Informal Hearing Procedures for Residents [24 CFR 5.514(f)] <br />After notification of the USCIS decision on appeal, or in lieu of an appeal to the USCIS, the <br />family may request that SARA provide a hearing. The request for a hearing must be made either <br />within 10 days of receipt of SARA notice of termination, or within 30 days of receipt of the <br />USCIS appeal decision. <br />For the informal hearing procedures that apply to participant families whose assistance is being <br />terminated based on immigration status, see Section 16-III.C. <br />Retention of Documents [24 CFR 5.514(h)] <br />SARA must retain for a minimum of 3 years the following documents that may have been <br />submitted to SARA by the family, or provided to SARA as part of the USCIS appeal or SARA <br />informal hearing process: <br />• The application for assistance <br />• The form completed by the family for income reexamination <br />• Photocopies of any original documents, including original USCIS documents <br />• The signed verification consent form <br />o~ro2~12 Page 16-16 <br />