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• By providing a police or court record, such as a protective order. <br />If the tenant fails to provide one of these documents within 14 business days, you may evict the <br />tenant if authorized by otherwise applicable law and lease provisions, <br />Confidentiality <br />You must keep confidential any information a tenant provides to certify that he or she is a victim <br />of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking. You cannot enter the information into a shared <br />database or reveal it to outside entities unless: <br />• The tenant provides written permission releasing the information. <br />• The information is required for use in an eviction proceeding, such aS to evict the abuser. <br />• Release of the information is otherwise required by law. <br />The victim should inform you if the release of the information would put his or her safety at risk, <br />VA''~VA and Other Laws <br />VAwA does not limit your obligation to honor court orders regarding access to or control of the <br />property. This includes orders issued to protect the victim and orders dividing property among <br />household members incases where a family breaks up. <br />VAwA does not replace any federal, state, or local law that provides greater protection for <br />victims of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking. <br />Additional Information <br />• If you have any questions regarding VAwA, please contact <br />• HIJD Notice PIH 2006-42 contains detailed information regarding VA~UA's certification <br />requirements. The notice is available at h ;/lwww.hud. ovloffices/admlhudcli sl. <br />• An overview of VAWA's housing provisions is available at <br />ht :1l edocket.access. o. ovl2o~7l df1F?-47~~. d~ <br />Definitions <br />Far purposes of determining whether a tenant may be covered by VAwA, the following list of <br />definitions applies: <br />VAwA defines domestic violence to include felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence <br />committed by any of the fallowing; <br />• A current or former spouse of the victim <br />• A person with whom the victim shares a child in common <br />• A person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse <br />• A person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence <br />laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies <br />• Any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person's acts <br />under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction <br />07/02112 Page l ~-36 <br />