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Turnover Inspections [24 CFR 983.103(c)] <br />Before providing assistance to a new family in a contract unit, SARA will inspect the unit. <br />SARA may not provide assistance on behalf of the family until the unit fully complies with <br />HQS. <br />Annual Inspections [24 CFR 983.103(4)] <br />At least annually during the term of the HAP contract, SARA will inspect a random sample, <br />consisting of at least 20 percent of the contract units in each building to determine if the contract <br />units and the premises are maintained in accordance with HQS. Turnover inspections are not <br />counted toward meeting this annual inspection requirement. <br />If more than 20 percent of the annual sample of inspected contract units in a building fails the <br />initial inspection, SARA must re-inspect l oo percent of the contract units in the building. <br />Other Inspections [24 CFR 983.103(e)] <br />SARA will inspect contract units whenever needed to determine that the contract units comply <br />with HQS and that the owner is providing maintenance, utilities, and other services in <br />accordance with the HAP contract. SARA must take into account complaints and any other <br />information coming to its attention in scheduling inspections. <br />SARA will conduct follow-up inspections needed to determine if the owner (or, if applicable, the <br />family) has corrected an HQS violation, and must conduct inspections to determine the basis for <br />exercise of contractual and other remedies for owner or family violation of HQS. <br />In conducting supervisory quality control HQS inspections, SARA will include a representative <br />sample of both tenant-based and project-based units. <br />PART IV: REHABILITATED AND NEWLY CONSTRUCTED UNITS <br />17-IV.A. OVERVIEW [24 CFR 983.151] <br />There are specific requirements that apply to PBV assistance for newly constructed or <br />rehabilitated housing that do not apply to PBV assistance in existing housing. This part describes <br />the requirements unique to this type of assistance. <br />Housing selected for this type of assistance may not at a later date be selected for PBV assistance <br />as existing housing. <br />17-IV.B. AGREEMENT TO ENTER INTO HAP CONTRACT <br />In order to offer PBV assistance in rehabilitated or newly constructed units, SARA must enter <br />into an agreement to enter into HAP contract (Agreement) with the owner of the property. The <br />Agreement must be in the form required by HUD [24 CFR 983.152(a)] . <br />In the Agreement the owner agrees to develop the PBV contract units to comply with HQS, and <br />SARA agrees that upon timely completion of such development in accordance with the terms of <br />the Agreement, SARA will enter into a HAP contract with the owner for the contract units [24 <br />CFR 983.152(b)]. <br />Content of the Agreement [24 CFR 983.152(c)] <br />o~ro2~12 Page 17-11 <br />