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Acceptance of Offer [24 CFR 983.252] <br />Family Briefing <br />When a family accepts an offer for PBV assistance, SARA will give the family an oral briefing. <br />The briefing must include information on how the program works and the responsibilities ofthe <br />family and owner. In addition to the oral briefing, SARA must provide a briefing packet that <br />explains how SARA determines the total tenant payment for a family, the family obligations <br />under the program, and applicable fair housing information. <br />Persons with Disabilities <br />If an applicant family's head or spouse is disabled, SARA will assure effective communication, <br />in accordance with 24 CFR 8.6, in conducting the oral briefing and in providing the written <br />information packet. This may include making alternative formats available (see Chapter 2). In <br />addition, SARA must have a mechanism for referring a family that includes a member with a <br />mobility impairment to an appropriate accessible PBV unit. <br />Persons with Limited English Proficiency <br />SARA should take reasonable steps to assure meaningful access by persons with limited English <br />proficiency in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order <br />13166 (see Chapter 2). <br />17-VI.E. OWNER SELECTION OF TENANTS <br />The owner is responsible for developing written tenant selection procedures that are consistent <br />with the purpose of improving housing opportunities for very low-income families and <br />reasonably related to program eligibility and an applicant's ability to fulfill their obligations <br />under the lease. An owner must promptly notify in writing any rejected applicant and SARA of <br />the grounds for any rejection [24 CFR 983.253(b)]. <br />Leasing [24 CFR 983.253(a)] <br />During the term of the HAP contract, the owner must lease contract units to eligible families that <br />are selected and referred by SARA from SAHA's waiting list. The contract unit leased to the <br />family must be the appropriate size unit for the size of the family, based on SAHA's subsidy <br />standards. <br />Filling Vacancies [24 CFR 983.254(a)] <br />The owner must promptly notify SARA of any vacancy or expected vacancy in a contract unit. <br />After receiving such notice, SARA must make every reasonable effort to promptly refer a <br />sufficient number of families for the owner to fill such vacancies. SARA and the owner must <br />make reasonable efforts to minimize the likelihood and length of any vacancy. <br />The owner must notify SARA in writing (mail, fax, ore-mail) within one week of learning about <br />any vacancy or expected vacancy. <br />SARA will make every reasonable effort to refer families to the owner within 14 days of <br />receiving such notice from the owner. <br />o~ro2~12 Page 17-20 <br />