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2-III.C. WRITTEN TRANSLATION <br />Translation is the replacement of a written text from one language into an equivalent written text <br />in anot er anguage. <br />In order to comply with written-translation obligations, SARA will take the following steps: <br />SARA will provide written translations of vital documents for each eligible LEP <br />language group that constitutes 5 percent or 1,000 persons, whichever is less, of the <br />population of persons eligible to be served or likely to be affected or encountered. <br />In determining whether it is feasible to provide translation of documents written in <br />English into other languages, SARA will consider the following factors: <br />Number of applicants and participants in the jurisdiction who are proficient only <br />in the other language <br />Estimated cost to SARA per client of translation of English written documents <br />into the other language <br />The availability of local organizations to provide translation services to non- <br />English speaking families <br />Availability of bilingual staff to provide translation for non-English speaking <br />families <br />Literacy level of clients <br />2-III.D. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN <br />After completing the five-factor analysis, SARA has determined that it is not necessary to <br />develop a written implementation plan, the absence of a written plan does not obviate the <br />underlying obligation to ensure meaningful access by LEP persons to SAHA's Housing Choice <br />Voucher program and services. <br />Currently,100% of Housing Specialists are bilingual in either Spanish or Vietnamese. These <br />three languages (English, Spanish, and Vietnamese) are spoken by 99% of program participants. <br />Forms that are in these three languages include, but are not limited to, the Orientation packet, the <br />Briefing packet, Statement of Family Responsibilities, Voucher, Declaration of Legal Residency, <br />Lease Addendum, Owner/Tenant Relationship, and any pertinent Housing Authority <br />correspondence as appropriate. <br />Page 2-10 <br />~~02~2012 <br />