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PART I: DEFINITIONS OF FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS <br />3-I.A. OVERVIEW <br />Some eligibility criteria and program rules vary depending upon the composition of the family <br />requesting assistance. In addition, some requirements apply to the family as a whole and others <br />apply to individual persons who will live in the assisted unit. This part provides information that <br />is needed to correctly identify family and household members, and to apply HUD's eligibility <br />rules. <br />3-I.B. FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD [24 CFR 982.201(c), HUD-50058 IB, p. 13] <br />The terms family and household have different meanings in the HCV program. <br />Family <br />To be eligible for assistance, an applicant must qualify as a family. Family as defined by HUD <br />includes, but is not limited to the following, regardless actual or perceived sexual orientation, <br />gender identity, or marital status, a single person, who may be an elderly person, disabled person, <br />near-elderly person, or any other single person; or a group of persons residing together. Such <br />group includes, but is not limited to a family with or without children (a child who is temporarily <br />away from the home because of placement in foster care is considered a member of the family), <br />an elderly family, anear-elderly family, a disabled family, a displaced family, or the remaining <br />member of a tenant family. The PHA has the discretion to determine if any other group of <br />persons qualifies as a family. <br />Gender Identity means actual or perceived gender characteristics. <br />Sexual orientation means homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality. <br />SARA Policy <br />A family also includes two or more individuals who are not related by blood, marriage, <br />adoption, or other operation of law but who either can demonstrate that they have lived <br />together previously or certify that each individual's income and other resources will be <br />available to meet the needs of the family. <br />Each family must identify the individuals to be included in the family at the time of <br />application, and must update this information if the family's composition changes. <br />Household <br />Household is a broader term that includes additional people who, with SAHA's permission, live <br />in an assisted unit, such as live-in aides, foster children, and foster adults. <br />3-I.C. FAMILY BREAK-UP AND REMAINING MEMBER OF TENANT FAMILY <br />Family Break-up [24 CFR 982.315] <br />Except under the following conditions, the PHA has discretion to determine which members of <br />an assisted family continue to receive assistance if the family breaks up: <br />Page 3 -2 <br />~~02~2012 <br />