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An elderly family is one in which the head, spouse, cohead, or sole member is an elderly person. <br />Identifying elderly families is important because these families qualify for special deductions <br />from income as described in Chapter 6. <br />3-I.I. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND DISABLED FAMILY [24 CFR 5.403] <br />Persons with Disabilities <br />Under the HCV program, special rules apply to persons with disabilities and to any family whose <br />head, spouse, or cohead is a person with disabilities. The technical definitions of individual with <br />handicaps and persons with disabilities are provided in Exhibit 3 -1 at the end of this chapter. <br />These definitions are used for a number of purposes including ensuring that persons with <br />disabilities are not discriminated against based upon disability. <br />As discussed in Chapter 2, SARA must make all aspects of the HCV program accessible to <br />persons with disabilities and consider reasonable accommodations requested based upon a <br />person's disability. <br />Disabled Family <br />A disabled family is one in which the head, spouse, or cohead is a person with disabilities. <br />Identifying disabled families is important because these families qualify for special deductions <br />from income as described in Chapter 6. <br />Even though persons with drug or alcohol dependencies are considered persons with disabilities <br />for the purpose ofnon-discrimination, this does not prevent SARA from denying assistance for <br />reasons related to alcohol and drug abuse following policies found in Part III of this chapter, or <br />from terminating assistance following the policies in Chapter 12. <br />3-I.J. GUESTS [24 CFR 5.100] <br />A guest is a person temporarily staying in the unit with the consent of a member of the household <br />who has express or implied authority to so consent. <br />A guest can remain in the assisted unit no more than 30 cumulative calendar days during any 12- <br />mont perlo . <br />Children who are subject to a joint custody arrangement or for whom a family has visitation <br />privileges, that are not included as a family member because they live outside of the assisted <br />household more than 50 percent of the time, are not subject to the time limitations of guests as <br />described above. <br />A family may request an exception to this policy for valid reasons (e.g., care of a relative <br />recovering from a medical procedure is expected to last 40 consecutive days). An exception will <br />not be made unless the family can identify and provide documentation of the residence to which <br />the guest will return. <br />3-I.K. FOSTER CHILDREN AND FOSTER ADULTS <br />Foster adults are usually persons with disabilities, unrelated to the tenant family, who are unable <br />to live alone [24 CFR 5.609] . <br />The term foster child is not specifically defined by the regulations. <br />Page 3-5 <br />~~02~2012 <br />