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Using Income Limits for Targeting [24 CFR 982.201] <br />At least 75 percent of the families admitted to SAHA's program during a fiscal year must be <br />extremely low-income families. HUD may approve exceptions to this requirement if SARA <br />demonstrates that it has made all required efforts, but has been unable to attract an adequate <br />number of qualified extremely low-income families. <br />Families continuously assisted under the 1937 Housing Act and families living ineligible low- <br />income housing that are displaced as a result of prepayment of a mortgage or voluntary <br />termination of a mortgage insurance contract are not subject to the 75 percent restriction. <br />3-II.B. CITIZENSHIP OR ELIGIBLE IMMIGRATION STATUS [24 CFR 5, Subpart E] <br />Housing assistance is available only to individuals who are U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals (herein <br />referred to as citizens and nationals), or noncitizens that have eligible immigration status. At <br />least one family member must be a citizen, national, or noncitizen with eligible immigration <br />status in order for the family to qualify for any level of assistance. <br />All applicant families must be notified of the requirement to submit evidence of their citizenship <br />status when they apply. Where feasible, and in accordance with SAHA's Limited English <br />Proficiency Plan, the notice must be in a language that is understood by the individual if the <br />individual is not proficient in English. <br />Declaration [24 CFR 5.508] <br />HUD requires each family member to declare whether the individual is a citizen, a national, or an <br />eligible noncitizen, except those members who elect not to contend that they have eligible <br />immigration status. Those who elect not to contend their status are considered to be ineligible <br />noncitizens. For citizens, nationals and eligible noncitizens the declaration must be signed <br />personally by the head, spouse, cohead, and any other family member 18 or older, and by a <br />parent or guardian for minors. The family must identify in writing any family members who elect <br />not to contend their immigration status (see Ineligible Noncitizens below). No declaration is <br />required for live-in aides, foster children, or foster adults. <br />U. S. Citizens an d Nation als <br />In general, citizens and nationals are required to submit only a signed declaration that claims <br />their status. However, HUD regulations permit SARA to request additional documentation of <br />their status, such as a passport. <br />Family members who declare citizenship or national status will not be required to provide <br />additional documentation unless SARA receives information indicating that an individual's <br />declaration may not be accurate. <br />Eligible Noncitizens <br />In addition to providing a signed declaration, those declaring eligible noncitizen status must sign <br />a verification consent form and cooperate with SARA efforts to verify their immigration status <br />as described in Chapter 7. The documentation required for establishing eligible noncitizen status <br />varies depending upon factors such as the date the person entered the U.S., the conditions under <br />which eligible immigration status has been granted, the person's age, and the date on which the <br />family began receiving HUD-funded assistance. <br />Page 3 -9 <br />~~02~2012 <br />