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PART III: DENIAL OF ASSISTANCE <br />3-III.A. OVERVIEW <br />A family that does not meet the eligibility criteria discussed in Parts I and II, must be denied <br />assistance. <br />In addition, HUD requires or permits SARA to deny assistance based on certain types of current <br />or past behaviors of family members. <br />Forms of Denial [24 CFR 982.552(a)(2); HCV GB, p. 5-35] <br />Denial of assistance includes any of the following: <br />• Not placing the family's name on the waiting list <br />• Denying or withdrawing a voucher <br />• Not approving a request for tenancy or refusing to enter into a HAP contract <br />• Refusing to process a request for or to provide assistance under portability procedures <br />Prohibited Reasons for Denial of Program Assistance [24 CFR 982.202(b), Pub.L.109-162] <br />HUD rules prohibit denial of program assistance based on any of the following criteria: <br />• Age, disability, race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (See Chapter 2 for additional <br />information about fair housing and equal opportunity requirements.) <br />• Where a family lives prior to admission to the program <br />• Where the family will live with assistance under the program. Although eligibility is not <br />affected by where the family will live, there maybe restrictions on the family's ability to <br />move outside SAHA's jurisdiction (See Chapter 10, Portability.) <br />• Whether members of the family are unwed parents, recipients of public assistance, or <br />children born out of wedlock <br />• Whether the family includes children <br />• Whether a family decides to participate in a family self sufficiency program <br />• Whether or not a qualified applicant has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, <br />or stalking <br />Page 3 -15 <br />~~02~2012 <br />